Team Circle Classic TD version 2.2b
It’s the well known Team Circle now renamed to Team Circle Classic, for those who heavent played this map by now it’s a Team based Tower Defence, featuring 51 waves of enemies, more than 50 towers, 5 types of builders. Every 30 seconds 120 monsters spawn and if there are more than 210 monsters
on the map you loose.
Instalation: Just put the map in the warcraft 3\maps folder
If you want to find out more about team circle classic visit the official website:
or if you have any comments or sugestions join team circle classic forums or send me an email to:
[email protected]
Changelog (version 2.2b):
-minor bug fixed
-minor changes
-new load screen text added
Changelog (version 2.2):
- now every level creeps change diferent armor; armor changes goes like this:
normal, small, medium and large; levels from 45 are same with fortigied armor and final level has hero armor
- added new 'slow tower' that slows down enemy units movement speed
- magic and ultra magic towers now damage is now weaker
- splash towers now attack little bit slower
- Arrow towers attack speed reduced just a little bit
- no more immune levels
- master blaster 2 tower is now cheaper
- increased the HP of some creeps but reduced the armor a bit
- creeps that spawn in middle spots now move a little bit closer to the player before they continue their normal movement
- movement speed of some creeps changed
- now the instant defeat screen where there is was 210 creeps for only a tenth of a second is gone, instead there is 1.5 seconds time in which if the creeps reduce to 209 or lower you will continue playing!