Tauren Spear Thrower by Taurenwarrior
Path: Taurenspear.blp
Taurens are my favourite Warcraft race, and despite them being a race in WoW, I saw no real
Tauren models, so I decided to try and mod, some new ones. Most of mine Tauren will be animation transfers, geomerges, and new skins. I am trying to animate one myself, and I think you can expect one that is originally animated. This one is made by a few geomerges and a skin. I thought that one thing that they really lacked was a ranged melee unit, that was not a spell caster like the archer, head hunter and rifleman thus I made this model the Tauren Hunter equipped with a rifle, Tauren Spear Thrower and my Tauren Archer. Please give credit when using in maps, etc.