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Tank Wars V2,0

Dark-Zalor presents :

Tank Wars V2.0
Created by Dar-Zalor

Map Info

Choose from 47 uniques and custom tanks to fight in this epic battle. Only the brave will defeat enemies.
In this map you play a tank that you can custom with weapons and support items. Ther is more that 100 items to make each game
more original.

For any questions or suggestions please send your e-mail at : [email protected]

I made a playlist with Epic Music for gaming see the link below :

Visit my facebook page at:

Requires 1.32 Warcraft III version or Newer


Controls :
Spells controls are Q, W, E, R
Weapons controls are D

Weapons :
Every tanks you made can't attacks by themself. You have to buy them some items that damages random enemies around the tank.
This attack is based on the phoenix fire ability.
Every weapons you buy can be upgraded once. This increases the power of the weapon by 33%. Some shop in the map will sold you some weapons.
Their is many different shops: The basics weapons shops are in the base, but the extreme weapons shops are in the middle of the map.
The differents caracteristics of a weapon :
- Damages : the damages of one bolt
- Cooldown : The period between two attacks
- Ranges : The maximum ranges where the weapon can attacks an enemy
- Nbr : Number of missiles that a weapon can throw per period
- Dps : Damages per seconds (Amount of damages dealt by the weapon to a unique target during 1 second)
- Upgrade Cost : The gold cost to upgrade the items (15 seconds upgrade time)

Tanks :
To play this game you have to buy a tank. This one is very important to defeat enemies. It can be replaced during the game by other one with better caracteristics:
More HP, Weapons basic damages, Spells Damages, Regeneration, Mana, Mana Regeneration, ...
Each hero have 4 spells with variable damages and one weapon. If you start a game and you don't pay any weapon to your tank you must learn the weapon
ability of the tank. If you don't the beginning of the game will be harder.
You can by tanks in factory near the castle (for basic heroes) for advanced and insane tanks, factory are in the middle of the map. When you buy an other tank
the factory pay you back half of the last tank price.

Support Items :
There is a lot of support items to protect your tank. These elements are useful to increase your regeneration, armor, damages, ...
These can save you during a game

Runes :
Some runes are located along the lanes called runes of life, these one when a hero get it heal the mana and the life by 10%. When one of them is used it
is replaced 30 seconds after by a new one.

Other runes spawn in the map like rune of regeneration, rune or armor, rune of protection, rune of illusion, ...
These one spawn every 2 minutes after the last one ave been picked up.

Ameliorations :
Creeps and buildings are uprgadables with amelioration more Hp, Damages, Armor.

Events :
- When creeps spawn every 3 spawn some demolisher unit will spawn.

- To get the God Tank The most strongest unit!!! You have to buy it in your castle or forteress This one spawn very tiny and without spells.
And then you cast the ability "Call the God Tank"
This spell cost 20 000 gold and will spawn an invulnerable item on a random point in the map. The God tank have to get it to have spells and his normal size.
THis items can't be carry by other type of units and cause death. The God Tank have to get it without enemies in an area 750 Aoe around the item
to activate the transformation.

Missile Thrower :
Every 2 seconds each castle fire a rocket on a random enemy in the map. 3700 Aoe maximum. You have to move if you don't want to be damaged.
Damages dealt by a rocket can be upgraded with building damages.









New tanks :
Added for version 1.32 or newer of reforged.

A mode random hero at the beginning of the game (Tank cost Half the price)

A building where you can buy some creeps
(basics creeps, bomberman, sniper, balist, dragon)

A large choice of items :
mines, defuse kit, armor items, speed item,


Special Thanks:
  • The Helper
  • Hive WorkShop
  • The Warcraft 3 French Community
  • Blizzard

The Preview Image and the Loading Screen come from the game World of Tank
developped by WARGAMING.NET

  • JetFangInferno
  • Kitabatake
  • ratamahatta
  • wingednosering
  • GreyArchon
  • Troca
  • Ki
  • Zack1996
  • Frankster
  • Donut3.5

Author's notes

I spend a lot of time and imagination to creates that map, I hope you will enjoy it.
This map is made with some funny spells and beautiful effects or models, all theses elements made an epic battle with some awsome tanks.
If you have some ideas about tanks, spells, events, modes, just sends me an e-mail at : [email protected]

I appreciate feedback and suggestions!

Map Description Template Created by -Kobas-
Find more here: Map Description - Templates

tank, mechanical, war, fight, aos, areana, kill, death, missiles, explosion, explosive

Tank Wars V2.0 (Map)

11:19, 16th Mar 2014 Orcnet: Gameplay is really good, where you can evolve your hero and has a more different hero approach, though no fog of war may give out some cons about it. Considered acceptable.




11:19, 16th Mar 2014
Orcnet: Gameplay is really good, where you can evolve your hero and has a more different hero approach, though no fog of war may give out some cons about it. Considered acceptable.
I'm working on a version with spell tooltips

Tell me if you have suggestions about new tanks, modes, spells, items

Does anybody can tell me if creeps sold in the tavern are balanced (not too strong or too bad) and if their prices are good, same thing with mines?

Does money is easy to obtain or is it too hard to get an advanced tank and weapons?

Does weapons are too expensives or not comparing to their power?

Do you think buildings are too strong?

I'm really interested in players feedback