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Tank Turret System

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Level 22
Jun 23, 2007
Ok this is what im requesting:
Tank Turret System
So basically there are two units right, the tank Chassis and the tank turret. i want to be able to put the turret onto the tank, so that it can move and shoot.
I would also like it so that i can specifically place my turret unit on the model, through like x,y,z if possible.
Since only the Chassis would be selectable, i would like it if when the Chassis was ordered to a point, the turret would face that direction, unless it is attacking something.
The chassis should display how much damage the Turret does, and if the Chassis is ordered to attack, then the turret turns to face the new target, and attacks.
If the chassis does a spell like cluster missiles or storm bolt, i would like for the turret to do the actual spell, since most of their combat things are on the turret.

+rep and credits.
well what you could do is make a trigger like knockback but only moves the turrent to the chasie and locks the player camera to it and use the LEFT RIGHT trigger events to change the faceing angle of the unit lol q.q
and then create a dummy unit when you click the shoot button it creates a dummy unit and gives it a spell based of shockwave and change the damage for that spell then trigger the dummy unit to cast it a a polar ofset of facing angle of turrent and polar ofset of 15 ( if its 0 itll bug up )
Level 22
Jun 23, 2007
omg! its wugiboy!!111
i had this map too, but there are several problems.
1. i cant place the turret where i want it to (dont know if this is possible however)
2. when the chassis casts an ability, the turret doesnt do it, the chassis does.
3. the turret is always looking in the direction it last attacked in
4. u cant order the turret to shoot at specific targets :\

hiruty, this system is for an altered melee of mine. ._. no some wc3 shooter.
Level 13
Feb 8, 2009
o i remember something vary similar in a game so i know it can be done but instead of it being a turret it was a cannon on the top but it was a starting circle thing with the triangles and floats and it had like 2 spellz and you could control the turret or drive so different players can be both i think it may have bin a attachment or trigger or what but i don't see a attachment being able 2 shoot spellz so that's weird

and ps i know there more than 1 system for this since iv seen it different sites
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