If you want the race tab during selection to change(you know before u start game and it has the tab with humans, orcs undead, nightelf) you must open up the Game Interface (Under the Advanced Tab) head down to near the bottom untill you find the Text interface(youll know when you find it, it will have Text farthest to the left side of the little menu it opens and look for Text - General - 'Human' Make sure you have Use Custom Game Interface checked off (top left of the window) then double click them both and change to Blood Elf. Also make sure to change the warning message for no town hall if your making it Melee Map style its still under Text - General -|cffffcc00You(thats only the start of the message but you get the idea) once you find that search for the one that ends with Town Hall and change that accordingly to the blood elf building. Also, if your going to keep call to arms in make sure you change Text - Message - No Peasants Could Be Found to the blood elf builder unit(might wanna change the No Town Halls Could Be Found To Convert Peasants To Militia and the No Town Halls Could Be Found To Convert Militia To Peasants. Make sure to go to Gameplay Constants and change the dependancy equvalents as well(Town Hall, Great Hall, etc. and the altars as well. from Altar of Kings to Blood Elf Altar or W/E)