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Super Mario - Sounds, Model(er)s and all other stuff

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Level 8
Mar 25, 2005
My name is Seruk :roll: and I just came up with the idea that maybe I'll make a Super Mario map, with Super Mario, I mean singleplayer adventures.
We all know the story, Mario (the plummer) is called to Princess Toad(something(aka Princess Peach)) castle for a dinner, but when Mario arives there, she's kidnapped by the evil Bowser.

This is a team gathering too, so I'll post this in that forum too, yet, I need Sounds, music, effects, and mario sounds, yoshi sounds, toad sounds, boss sounds/music... well the list go on for ever.
Also I need models, I got Mario model, yet, a bit crappy, I got Yoshi, Peach and Bowser. and oh, I got Koopa too (those walking mushrooms) and I got those pipes.
All other models is welcome.

////SERUK//// :idea:
Level 8
Mar 25, 2005
Now, that's just bullshit!

titan_06 said:
there are already models. check http://maps.worldofwar.net they hve a mario bros arena type map and it has sounds and models. also, there are models on this site. does anybody ever check before requesting anymore?

edit: took me 15 seconds to find this map.

Ok, this is NOTHING, but an attemp at making me look dumb!
I KNOW there's models on this site, I already have them all, and about that map, I'm not a stealer.
See, some people have something called 'Moral'.

About me not checking anything, look here, I want people, that can make the models, not just models.
This thread is more of a team gathering, I would have done this on wc3campaigns.com, but, it says I ain't got any account, and since I don't, I can't post.

In this site (In the models donlowad section) you could find following models related to Super Mario Brothers (I give you the links so you don't have to work hard on searching for them):

Princess Peach
Bullet Bill
Little Boo

Also, make sure that you give the modelers credits when you use them in your map.

For sounds and musics, try this site:
It should has some good archives of sounds, voices and music plus strong info of everything about Mario and his friends (plus the games and movies).
Mecheon said:
Oh, and asking for ripped sounds and musics from games is very bad, as those are illegal and I'll wtfpwn your ass for asking any more of them

About asking for music, that depends on what type of music files.

.mid files are not illegal to use because they are created to be downloadable (and they're instrument aren't 100% excat as an original game music).

.spc .nsf .usf .gym .psf .gbs .gsf .sid .hez .cym .vgm .vgz files (they are ripped emulated game music files) are partitually free to use, usually for people that enjoys to listen real game musics. (They are though emulated sounds and are somewhat copyrighted, so use them wisely).
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