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Allright, I've opened it and I could instantly tell you are a newb mapper.
Even though you are new to mapping, I will treat all maps here in the same way: if the quality is too low, I reject it.
Let's start with the triggers, I like triggers... they let you do stuff.
Your triggering is very bad, it can't get much worse actually.
Let's take these 2 trigger for example:
Light Movement 1
Time - Every 2.00 seconds of game time
Unit Group - Order (Units in Region 015 <gen>) to Attack-Move To (Random point in Region 022 <gen>)
Dark Movement 1
Time - Every 2.00 seconds of game time
Unit Group - Order (Units in Region 021 <gen>) to Attack-Move To (Random point in Region 023 <gen>)
The first thing you notice: they share the same event.
All triggers that share the same event can be combined, this makes the triggering more efficient.
Another thing are the leaks, this doesn't only occur in these triggers, but in almost all of them.
Leaks create lag, causes warcraft to instantly close and create the long black screen when the game is finished (when the black screen arrives, warcraft begins removing all leaks, the nore leaks, the longer it takes).
Here is the fixed version:
Light Movement 1
Time - Every 2.00 seconds of game time
Set Group = (Units in Region 015 <gen>)
Set Loc = (Random point in Region 022 <gen>)
Unit Group - Order Group to Attack-Move To Loc
Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_Loc)
Custom script: call DestroyGroup(udg_Group)
-------- ============ --------
Set Group = (Units in Region 021 <gen>)
Set Loc = (Random point in Region 023 <gen>)
Unit Group - Order Group to Attack-Move To Loc
Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_Loc)
Custom script: call DestroyGroup(udg_Group)
Another prime example of efficiency is the income-trigger, you have 9 triggers, 1 for every player, while it can eaily be 1 trigger:
Untitled Trigger 012
Time - Every 20.00 seconds of game time
Player Group - Pick every player in (All players) and do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
Player - Add 50 to (Picked player) Current gold
There are some helpful links below...
The description requires a lot of work... I'll just link a tutorial, since you've done about everything wrong.
For the terrain: it's way too plain, terraining requires a lot of time and effort: you need to use the height-tool (not blizzard cliffs) correctly, you need to choose the tileset good, so it's varied (instead of that boring plain terrain of yours), you really need to use doodads (not cinematic doodads, or at least not spammed), especially environmental doodads.
You also need to smoothen the terrain: don't just go from black to white, or from water to land, there needs to be a transition.
Erm... you really need to improve the objects, but I guess triggered spells is above your league...
Just try customizing the heroes more, make the spells customized and never use standard warcraft spells, it just does not fit.
hordestudio. forumcircle .com/viewtopic.php?p=482#482 - Leak Tutorial (the "forumcircle" is automatically replaced with "google" when I post the full link, so you'll need to attach the strings yourself)
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