Stairs lagging the game

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Level 12
May 22, 2015
I used the default elevator doodad to build some stairs (holding shift to place them near each other and ctrl + page up/down to make them like stairs) and they look great and work fine, but I notice significant frame rate drop when my screen is over lots of stairs. Any idea what's happening?
Level 10
Aug 30, 2007
I guess it's because you've put a lot ob objects into a small area. You didn't upload a screen, so I can only imagine how it looks like (or at least how I would have done it). In case I am right the elevator doodads overlap quite a lot, now Wc3 (and thus you PC) does not only have to calculate everything you see, but also every part of the doodad you do not see as it is below a different one.

As I already mentioned I guess you just put a lot of objects on top of each other. Their amount causes the lag. Still you should provide a Screen shot.
Level 12
May 22, 2015

Put two shots of the stairs in there so you can see how I made them. The frame rate seems to not be so bad at the regular angle with nothing happening, but it gets kind of bad when there are lots units around.

First picture is just a random spot with a lot of doodads (selecting that area seems to be about 140).

Second picture is the stairs zoomed in in the same fashion as the first picture. There's about 80 doodads in the area, but you can see the FPS (top middle of the screen) is dropped very badly.

Third picture is the top-down view at the same stairs. The FPS is actually fine there, but it gets worse when I move the screen around or if there are lots of units fighting.

Unfortunately, the first picture never has fights around it since it is off to the side. Could the lag be happening because the stairs are destructibles? Not sure if that has anything to do with it.

Weird. Seems like it doesn't lag it right now lol. Maybe it is only later in the game. Maybe something else later in the game is causing lag and these doodads put it over the top? There's definitely more lag from zooming in after adding the stairs than before. I'll play a bit and see if I can get a time where there is nothing there but I lose about 15 FPS from just moving my screen over the stairs.
Level 10
Aug 30, 2007
maybe simply try another doodad (I recommend the Dalaran wall doodads) to make the stairs and try if it lags.

Do you use any invisible platforms there? Or is a terrain ramp hidden below the 'stairs'? Or do you use the elevators, because they are walkable and the units actually walk on them?
Level 12
May 22, 2015
They are elevators. There's a ramp underneath, but it doesn't do anything since they clip to the stairs. There's no invisible platforms.

I'll try it with something else. Thanks for the replies!
Level 10
Aug 30, 2007
ok, if there is a ramp below, and you still want stairs, try not to use something units clip on to but just 'fake' stairs, as you just lower the stais that deep into the ground so you still see it but the units walk on the normal terrain. There is barely a difference from ingame view.

Also if I remember right someone on uploaded a pack of stairs based on the 'ruins stair' doodad just with different ingame textures (e.g. dalaran themed). Maybe this is the best solution to your problem.
Level 12
May 22, 2015
I haven't fixed it yet (haven't tried much stuff yet, just exploring options a bit) and I found that the lag happens when lots of units are on the stairs. I'll definitely try it with no pathing modifications from the elevators to see what happens.
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