I'm trying to make a spell where a hero summon a mine, and after that, when an enemy units comes within 25 range of the mine, make it explose, dealing 10/sec to all units within 100 range of the point the mine exploded for 10 seconds.
Since the sapper mine is disbled (it appear to have only kaboom)
So my 1st question is How to trigger my mine explosion ?
Other question are How to trigger the one mine that detect proximity and not others
and last one is How to center the AOE effect to the position of the mine and not the triggerring unit that gain buff ?
I'm trying to make a spell where a hero summon a mine, and after that, when an enemy units comes within 25 range of the mine, make it explose, dealing 10/sec to all units within 100 range of the point the mine exploded for 10 seconds.
Since the sapper mine is disbled (it appear to have only kaboom)
- I modified Summon water elemental to summon a mine at hero place
- The mine is set on the ground, but how to detect units entering range 25 ?
So my 1st question is How to trigger my mine explosion ?
Other question are How to trigger the one mine that detect proximity and not others
and last one is How to center the AOE effect to the position of the mine and not the triggerring unit that gain buff ?