When all units of the previous level died you make a trigger to set a bolean variable (expample: Nextlevel = True) to true.. when the level isnt completed you set it to False..
When you start the next level you repeat the trigger of creating the timer,you also set nextlevelcreatures = Peasant (just an example) and then you run the level trigger again?
If you dont get it .. i can slowly explain it
Will look like this?
Timed - every 0.01 seconds of game time do
If/Then/else - If units owned by player (example) equal to 0
Set nextlevel = True
Run (nextleveltrigger)
Set Levelcreature = Peasant
Do nothing
Then the nextleveltrigger would like this?
nextlevel = true
Create unit (levelcreature) at (playablemaparea) and order to walk to (regionexample)
wait 2.00 seconds
Create unit (levelcreature) at (playablemaparea) and order to walk to (regionexample)
wait 2.00 seconds
Create unit (levelcreature) at (playablemaparea) and order to walk to (regionexample)
wait 2.00 seconds
Create unit (levelcreature) at (playablemaparea) and order to walk to (regionexample)
wait 2.00 seconds
Create unit (levelcreature) at (playablemaparea) and order to walk to (regionexample)
wait 2.00 seconds
Create unit (levelcreature) at (playablemaparea) and order to walk to (regionexample)
wait 2.00 seconds
Create unit (levelcreature) at (playablemaparea) and order to walk to (regionexample)
wait 2.00 seconds
E.T.C ( depends on how much units you want.. this is the long way i dont want to think of a short way,i hope you can figure out the short way urself
Hope this helped...