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Soul of Corruption

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Reactions: deepstrasz
And once again a melee map but this time it is 1v1. Please post your opinion about creeps and what should be changed. Good luck and have fun!

- Updated to Last Version

• Creep Camps
- 1 Red Camp ( Middle )
- 4 Orange Camps ( Gold Mines Included )
- 4 Green Camps
• Neutral Buildings
- 4 Gold Mines ( Bases Included )
- 2 Taverns ( Top and Bottom )
- 1 Green Dragon Roost ( Middle )
- 1 Goblin Merchant ( Left )
- 1 Mercenary Camp ( Right )
• Creep Types
- Satyrs ( Guarding Gold Mines )
- Furbolgs ( Orange Camps )
- Green Dragons ( Dragon Roost )
- Corrupted Ents ( Dragon Roost )


- Changed item drops of dragons, furbolgs and murlocs.
- Made some creeps to camp.

Felwood, corruption, ent, dragon, poison, Remixer, 1v1

Soul of Corruption (Map)

Vengeancekael - [Contact] Date: 2012/Jun/03 15:31:39 Comment: [Approved] You've updated it, it's approveable now, but maybe add trees around the whole starting location (to the left side of red as well, right side of blue) Resource Moderation...




Vengeancekael - [Contact]
Date: 2012/Jun/03 15:31:39

Comment: [Approved]
You've updated it, it's approveable now, but maybe add trees around the whole starting location (to the left side of red as well, right side of blue)

Resource Moderation - Rules

Vengeancekael -
Date: 2012/May/19 15:55:21


Check out the tutorials section: Tutorials
Check out the Map Development Section: Map Development Section
Check out the World Editor Help Zone (Trigger issues, object editor, overall WE issues): WE Help Zone

Comment: [Rejected]
Why did you place creeps at the starting locations? :p It's a 1v1 map, there can't be a missing player anyway.
Also give the red creeps (dragons) better item drops, maybe an artifact.
And add a goblin shop, a tavern etc. instead of the dragon spawner in the center of the map, the other ones are more essential.
(And don't put guards around a tavern)
Admin Contact - Resource Moderation - Rules


Map Reviewer
Level 31
Feb 19, 2011
images really don't work.

You can check them in my albums? I see these perfectly and no one has said that images of my older map would not work ( Crystal Track ) and they are also .jpg? Wuut is wrong now?

Do not ask why only my friends saw the images >,< they work properly now ( exept Dry Path )
Level 15
Apr 5, 2009
Full Review Emerges

Same as your melee map that I review lately. Feels generic but rather good, enough paths and creeps to start off. Vertical design map design feels out of the ordinary. The gold mine expansions are well adjusted for early game capturing.

Just additional pointers though:
*Set creep camps to 'Camp' (Except for Goldmine creeps, keep them normal)

*Dragon creeps should be all dragons, its weird to see some treants around it. Also, it needs an artifact drop.

*I find the item drops poorer than the other map. I would suggest that you change item drops for Furbolg Elder Shaman to a level 6 or 5 items and add more items for the two Furbolg Warrior maybe a tome or rune or even a level 3 or 4 items, this way, if two competitors clash to one another in the middle of the creep camp or simply creep-jacking one another, it would be wisely fair that both sides don't go empty handed. In addition to that, you should always place item drops to the highest leveled creeps on a certain camp, the Murloc Flesheater should have the level 4 or 3 items.

*Like the first review I did, add cliffs to all of the sides of the map to avoid awkward boundary hitting.

Simple map but worth of approval if you ask me.
2.5/5 keep it up though!


Map Reviewer
Level 31
Feb 19, 2011
-the Sludge Flinger in the southeast can't be reached by melee units whilst the one in the northwest can
-there's a neutral passive Bear near the northern Tavern that has attack (for what reason? I guess the Dark Ranger can use Charm on it and the Banshees could possess it)

The creep camp pathing fixed, also changed some creep manas. The bears are purely just decoration =)