Vengeancekael - [Contact]
Date: 2012/Jun/03 15:31:39
Comment: [Approved]
You've updated it, it's approveable now, but maybe add trees around the whole starting location (to the left side of red as well, right side of blue)
Resource Moderation - Rules
Date: 2012/Jun/03 15:31:39
Comment: [Approved]
You've updated it, it's approveable now, but maybe add trees around the whole starting location (to the left side of red as well, right side of blue)
Resource Moderation - Rules
Vengeancekael -
Date: 2012/May/19 15:55:21
Check out the tutorials section: Tutorials
Check out the Map Development Section: Map Development Section
Check out the World Editor Help Zone (Trigger issues, object editor, overall WE issues): WE Help Zone
Comment: [Rejected]
Why did you place creeps at the starting locations? It's a 1v1 map, there can't be a missing player anyway.
Also give the red creeps (dragons) better item drops, maybe an artifact.
And add a goblin shop, a tavern etc. instead of the dragon spawner in the center of the map, the other ones are more essential.
(And don't put guards around a tavern)
Admin Contact - Resource Moderation - Rules
Date: 2012/May/19 15:55:21
Check out the tutorials section: Tutorials
Check out the Map Development Section: Map Development Section
Check out the World Editor Help Zone (Trigger issues, object editor, overall WE issues): WE Help Zone
Comment: [Rejected]
Why did you place creeps at the starting locations? It's a 1v1 map, there can't be a missing player anyway.
Also give the red creeps (dragons) better item drops, maybe an artifact.
And add a goblin shop, a tavern etc. instead of the dragon spawner in the center of the map, the other ones are more essential.
(And don't put guards around a tavern)
Admin Contact - Resource Moderation - Rules