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For maze maps.
library TerrainCheck /* v1.0.0.0
* */ uses /*
* */ Tt /*hiveworkshop.com/forums/jass-resources-412/system-timer-tools-201165/
* struct TerrainCheck extends array
* method register takes unit whichUnit returns nothing
* - Registers unit to be killed when it is on terrain
* - call TerrainCheck[terrainType].register(whichUnit)
* method unregister takes unit whichUnit returns nothing
* - Unregisters unit from terrain (will no longer die on that terrain)
* - call TerrainCheck[terrainType].unregister(whichUnit)
private constant real RADIUS = 16
private hashtable table = InitHashtable()
private struct Check extends array
private static constant real TIMEOUT = .03
unit c
integer t
implement CTTC
local unit u
local real x
local real y
local integer m
implement CTTCExpire
set u = this.c
set x = GetUnitX(u)
set y = GetUnitY(u)
set m = t
if (GetTerrainType(x+RADIUS,y) == m and GetTerrainType(x-RADIUS, y) == m and GetTerrainType(x, y+RADIUS) == m and GetTerrainType(x, y-RADIUS) == m and /*
*/ GetTerrainType(x+RADIUS, y+RADIUS) == m and GetTerrainType(x+RADIUS, y-RADIUS) == m and GetTerrainType(x-RADIUS, y+RADIUS) == m and GetTerrainType(x-RADIUS, y-RADIUS) == m) then
call KillUnit(u)
implement CTTCNull
set u = null
implement CTTCEnd
struct TerrainCheck extends array
method register takes unit u returns nothing
local Check check = Check.create()
call SaveInteger(table, check, GetHandleId(u), check)
set check.c = u
set check.t = this
method unregister takes unit u returns nothing
local integer h = GetHandleId(u)
local Check c
if (HaveSavedInteger(table, this, h)) then
set c = LoadInteger(table, this, h)
call RemoveSavedInteger(table, this, h)
set c.c = null
call c.destroy()
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