SKIN- WoW-Models to Great Dragon Aspects

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Level 31
Sep 28, 2004
First of all some information about me and the project the skins are supposed to be part of.

Just like "Lord of the Clans (LotC)" I am making a campaign from the book "Day of the Dragon" from Richard A. Knaak. The campaign will feature 11 maps, of which 3 are cinematic-only. Compared to LotC there won't be as complex gameplay, so don't expect to be controling the game with arrow-keys at any point. It's mostly going to be "Fight from A to B"-Missions, with Basebuilding in the later missions and a few adventure-like riddles. Also the story won't focus on only one character, you will jump from one character's point of view of the storyline to the next almost every mission.

--------Some pics----------------







Another difference to LotC is that I plan to have a lot more imported stuff in it, and this is where you (yes, YOU!^^) come in to play.

Six famous dragons appear in the Story of DotD:
1.The Dragonmage Krasus. His Dragon-model (as long as I don't decide to change anything) will a simple "Red Drake". So, there is nothing you must do here.

2.Malygos. I have already decided to use the CrystalDragon by olofmoleman. ( )

3. Nozdormu. I am not sure about him yet, I will update this thread (if it's still alive by then) when I am.
4.Ysera. She is supposed to use the DragonOnyxia-Model, extracted by Eggie Poo Poo ( ). Her skin should be green of course. Much like that of Blizzard's Green Dragons. What I would really love to see is have a glow around her body that illuminates her. Alternatively her skin could be transparent like Taerar, which is also a Dragon Model found in WoW ( ).

5.Alexstrasza. She is supposed to use the HellDragon, again by olofmoleman. ( ) Information about the Queen of Dragons, Alexstrasza, can be found here:
What I can say about her skin is that it should be red like the typical Red Dragons by Blizzard. I would also like to have the Fire from the Helldragon removed.

6.Deathwing. He should use the Model DragonNefarian, also extracted by Eggie Poo Poo ( ). I've never actually seen Deathwing (haven't played WC2Addon much) but from what I've heard he must be all black, like Blizzard's Black Dragons. he also has golden adamantium plating at his back along his spine up to his neck. I don't think the tail is included. I also think he has this plating on his belly and his lower legs, but I am not so sure. Info about this great character can be found here: and here is an additional picture of him: .

By this thread I am also trying to contact the creators of the original models to ask for permission for the requested redesign (but aren't they 100% Blizzard-stuff anyway?).

Oh by the way, the campaign is 50% done (working on Map 7 of 11 atm, 1-6 are done) and could be releases in 5-6 months. There are two reasons why I requesting these skins so early: 1.I have no idea of skinning myself, but I think they are difficult to make and need a lot of time. 2.I am working on one of the maps where these dragons appear, it would be cool to see them while the map is WIP.
Level 25
Mar 31, 2004
Uh... Deathwing looks NOTHING AT ALL like that "Nefarian" model. Just look at the concept art and compare the horn locations of the two

What someone should do is grab the dragon model that Whitehorn converted and add the unknown coloured Adamantium plates to Neltharion's back

And that "Onyxia" model looks NOTHING like Ysera. Ysera has a large sail down her back, like all green dragons. I'll hunt down the concept art for the aspects, but you can find the Timeless one's artwork here . Nothing in WoW is close to the Timeless. At that, I'd stick a appearing and disappearing animated sand texture on him just to make him look that much awesome

Just for a futher note, Onyxia and Nefarian are amoung the WORST models Blizzard have made. The 4 green dragons are also pretty bad as well. They are NOTHING at all like their concept art
Level 31
Sep 28, 2004
If Blizzard doesn't stick to their concepts, why should I? :p It's already hard enough to find somebody willing to do the skinning-job. Altering the models also... there's no need for that much perfection. I'll stick to my ideas as long as I don't find anything better (you can still show me).

ut let me explain again why I choose these models:
1.OnyxiaDragon>Ysera: She has a female look to her.
2.Nefarian>Deathwing: he looks evil. His horns may not be positioned right but it still looks menacing.
3.HellDragon>Alex: I don't know if it's the same model as the OnyxiaDragon. It didn't look to me like that so I choose it. I don't want them to look too much alike.
Level 25
Mar 31, 2004
I'd say it was good if it weren't for the fact I now have the supreme inclanation of finding whoever did that model and strangling them with it somehow

Just to make it look like the concept, I suggest using the Red Dragon as a base. It looks quite nice with the Onyxia skin already, so just see how it wraps. It'll certainly look accurate to Neltharion, rather than that which looks like a random dragon attempting to be Neltharion despite having Bronze dragon style horns and random spikes that no dragon type has, and I don't know much about dragon tails but I'd question them being there

The WoW dragon is a true-to-concept Black dragon. Onyxia and Nefarian are just... I don't know. They shouldn't exist. They just look nothing at all like any Black dragons we've seen
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