Skeletal Rifleman

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Level 7
Feb 26, 2005
This should be fairly easy; I need a new modle that is a skeletal version of the Rifleman. Remove the cloack, clothes, and beard. Base the modle off the rifleman. Make sure he's armed with the Rifleman's gun though.

To save space on the map, don't bother adding a portrait. Instead, add a cammera pointing to his face. The modle should be based off the Rifleman, but I want his death animation changed to be like the skeleton's where he crumbles. Also upon death, he should make the Skeleton-death sound, not a Rifleman-death sound.

Also, a skeleton-coming-from-the-ground Birth animation would be nice, but not nessesary.

I need this for a spell I made called "Extract Skeletons". The spell pulls out the skeletons of units and differant units should have differant skeletons (ie. a Grunt will have a Skeletal Grunt pulled out).

If you make this modle for me, I will give you credit for the modle and +rep.
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Deleted member 126647


Deleted member 126647

Maybe give a bit of info so that people are more inclined to help? Otherwise you'll just have to wait till someone pops up.
Level 7
Feb 26, 2005
While that is a pretty good skin, there's a couple of problems with it:

-Looks quite fleshy. I don't think it could pass as a skeletal rifleman- more like a zombie rifleman.
-When it dies, it leaves a visable corpse, dosn't crumble, and make a rifleman-death sound.

So unfortunately I cannot use it for this purpose. Thanks anyway though.
Level 7
Jul 13, 2004
You could, on death remove the unit, and then spawn a skeleton, and then kill the skeleton, if you dont wait it would look half-decent, and in object editor just change the soundset to skeleton and it should sound like a skeleton on death, if I recall, and if it looks to fleshy PM the maker and ask if you can edit the skin abit, and just turn it more white/grayish, I know with photoshop you can use recolor, so it should still have the current shading on the skin, and you should be able to get what you want
Level 7
Feb 26, 2005
Nice job, but there are a few bugs with the modle.

1) When the unit dies, a sword is clearly visable.
2) Similarly, when the birth animation also shows a sword.
3) When the skeletal Rifleman attacks, it dosn't have the gunfire effect/sound like the living Rifleman dose.

If you could fix those few thing it would be perfect.
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