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Simple model and skin request

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can someone please edit the blademaster of blackrock clan skin with green skin, red eyes, black beard, alpha the weapon out and replace the blackrock banner with this banner instead?

low file size will also be appreciated to plox

and can I get a low file size sylvanis windrunner model (not evil sylvanis) without a hero glow?

can I also get a low file size felgaurd model that uses the sytar trickster skin to?

Any help will be greatly appreciated and repped:ogre_haosis:
Level 21
May 29, 2013
I made you a custom model with the texture(skin) you requested. Applying alpha channel over hero weapons is not a good idea, so i removed the weapon from the model, but not from the texture(skin). Ugo Ugo explained it thoroughly in this example. Oh and I hope you won't mind the banner has team color visible through the image you wanted, just like the standard Blademaster.
Do you want just the glow at the base of Sylvanus Windrunner feet removed or you want the glow around her bow removed as well ?


  • HeroBladeMaster2.mdx
    177 KB · Views: 110
  • HeroBladeMaster2_portrait.mdx
    65.4 KB · Views: 65
  • HeroChaosBladeMaster2.blp
    175.6 KB · Views: 68
Last edited:




I made you a custom model with the texture(skin) you requested. Applying alpha channel over hero weapons is not a good idea, so i removed the weapon from the model, but not from the texture(skin). Ugo Ugo explained it thoroughly in this example. Oh and I hope you won't mind the banner has team color visible through the image you wanted, just like the standard Blademaster.

I really don't mind that the hero glow stays stays after the weapon is alpha out because I plan giving the model a weapon attachment anyway to replace the weapon, I kinda need keep things low file size for now(thanks for the tip though)

Do you want just the glow at the base of Sylvanus Windrunner feet removed or you want the glow around her bow removed as well ?

yes that would be nice if your could remove the glow around her bow as well, thank u very much:ogre_haosis:
Level 21
May 29, 2013
Here is your Sylvanas without the hero glow sir, as you requested, and the Blademaster without weapon. To replace blademaster of blackrock clan skin import it to this path: Units\Demon\HeroChaosBladeMaster\HeroChaosBladeMaster.blp and to replace Sylvanas import the model to this path: Units\Creeps\SylvanusWindrunner\SylvanusWindrunner.mdx (Strange... her model is named Sylvanus, but she is named Sylvanas in the object editor.)


  • HeroChaosBladeMaster.blp
    179.5 KB · Views: 67
  • SylvanusWindrunner.mdx
    144.5 KB · Views: 54
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Thank you very much apathetic!

I forgot to ask you something, but I don't want to trouble you any more if you don't want me to

thanks, you've been a great help!:ogre_haosis:




Alright then

I forgot to ask if u you could texture like some armor (if you can, like a leather vest or dark chainmail shirt or something) on that skin you just made and put some blood near his mouth and make those ball things around his neck look like skulls to plz?

and could u make a green/red eyed blademaster of the blackrock clan icon and a green/red eyed chaos grom hellscream to plz?

Im srry if this seems to much, you don't have to if you don't want to

once again thank you very much for your time and work (and great model edits, the skin you made is very nice btw)





yes plz do as you did with the first skin you made for me

thanks for doing this for me, you've been a great help
Level 21
May 29, 2013
Sorry for my late response. Unfortunately I can't remove weapon on the Chaos Grom Hellscream texture, because the weapons handle uses the same part of the texture as the banners handle, so if I make it invisible, the banner would look lke it is floating in the air.

Also because I'm a newbie in skinning(texturing), chaos blademaster texture(with the cloth, bloody tusks and skulls around his neck) won't show in game(invisible) and i don't know how to fix it.

In the attachment below: Grom Hellscream texture with his weapon, which can't be removed with just skinning, and requires model editing.The least I can do is make their icons.
EDIT:Blademaster is done.


  • Orcs.zip
    177.1 KB · Views: 80
  • CustomBladeMaster1.blp
    171.8 KB · Views: 75
  • CustomBladeMaster1.mdx
    177.8 KB · Views: 70
  • CustomBladeMaster1_portrait.mdx
    65.4 KB · Views: 43
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Sorry for my late response. Unfortunately I can't remove weapon on the Chaos Grom Hellscream texture, because the weapons handle uses the same part of the texture as the banners handle, so if I make it invisible, the banner would look lke it is floating in the air..

You made a skin for chaos grom hellscream? I was just asking for a recolored Icon of it, shit im srry for the miscommunication man

Also because I'm a newbie in skinning(texturing), chaos blademaster texture(with the cloth, bloody tusks and skulls around his neck) won't show in game(invisible) and i don't know how to fix it.
View attachment 132930

its fine man the skin looks fantastic from what I can see:ogre_haosis: great job man!

In the attachment below: Grom Hellscream texture with his weapon, which can't be removed with just skinning, and requires model editing.The least I can do is make their icons.

no biggy thanks for your help man:ogre_haosis:
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