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Scarlet Crusade - The Finest Hour (Definitive Edition)

Created by Homor
Special Thanks to Everyone who made this map possible with their support! You guys rock!
OVERTIME MODE IS HERE! Check the description learn all about the new endgame challenge!

AI and additional changes by Walichrage. Thanks man!

Notice: This map is 100% open source. The mechanics, unit data and even the setting and storyline are free for use by any other Warcraft 3 modder. If you so wish, you can make your own map using this Scarlet Crusade race as a template. Be sure to check the comment section for patch notes!

Decades ago, the northern kingdoms were ravaged by the eldritch and undead armies of the dark god known as Desopath. Although the human alliance was able to seal the demon away from the mortal realm, his horrible minions still infest the world of the living. Balnazzar, a renegade demon in the service of Despoath, controls an evil army of undead minions that have ravaged the northern kingdoms. Every city, even the capital, fell to his legions. But now, twenty years later, an organization known as the Scarlet Crusade has pushed the undead hordes back, and now they're preparing to retake the capital. Only you, commanding an army of the Crusade's finest warriors, can restore this city to it's former glory!

You control an army of Scarlet Crusaders, and your ultimate goal is to retake the city of Stratholme from the armies of the undead. This is an exploration-based map, where instead of fighting off attackers, you will assault a city full of powerful undead creatures and swarming hordes of weak ones, working your to powerful bosses until you eventually find yourself face-to-face with Balnazzar. Will you be able to survive the onslaught?

New Race, The Scarlet Crusade: The vanilla human race has been completely altered, becoming the zealous and brutal Scarlet Crusade! While many units are completely the same, some have been heavily altered or replaced entirely! Play with fantastic new units such as the Chaplain, the Inquisitor and the Plague Doctor.
Command the Scarlet Heroes: Entirely new hero units! Play as the Templar, the Grand Crusader, The Witchhunter, the Arcanist and the Berserker!
Dynamic New Units: The standard soldiers of the Alliance have been given a major overhaul! Footmen can now wield bows, knights have powerful auras that increase damage, and all new units such as Marksmen, Chaplins, Inquisitors and Plague Doctors drastically alter the core strategies you'll use to survive the undead onslaught!
Food Limit Increased: Your food limit has been upgraded to 200, allowing you to amass a gigantic army to battle the undead hordes!
Adjustable Difficulty: Choose from one of six difficulty levels. Make the map easy enough your granny could beat it, or hard enough to blow your head off!
Explore the city: Travel through the dusty back alleys and abandoned streets of the ruined city of Stratholme, uncovering secrets and slaying monsters the whole way through.
Destroy the Undead leaders: Test your might against four powerful undead leaders, and even some lesser undead heroes!
Combine and Create Items: The Horadric cube in your base can be used to combine items and craft special recipes. This crafting system will give you some of the best items in the map.
Cheat Codes: If you're clever enough to find out what they are and how to activate them, you can use cheat codes to blaze through the match.
The Secret Cow Level???: What? It's not there! Don't be ridiculous! And don't go around looking for wooden legs or ghost children.
Introduced in 1.31 Edition
Dynamic Enemy AI: The armies of the living dead are now backed up by powerful attack forces! You cannot reach their new bases directly and must kill certain bosses around the map to end the attacks!
Reworked Heroes and Units: Now the heroes of the Crusade have all new abilities and the techtree has been edited. Now the map plays smoother than ever!
QWER Abilities: All heroes abilities have now been mapped to the traditional QWER format for convenience.

The Whole Story

An eternity before the birth of the planets of the cosmos, a group of powerful beings known as the Titans waged a war against The Light and the forces of heaven. Aided by an army of their own renegade angels and led by the brutal Titan known as Balanor. On the verge of victory, Balanor's second-in-command, Desopath, led a revolt against Balanor that destroyed half of their armies. Because of this, the remaining Titans came before The Light and unconditionally surrendered. In an event known as "The Great Fall" The Titans were banished to a realm known as "The Netherverse." A gilded cage where the newly declared "Nether Princes" could have unlimited control of their own realms. All but Desopath and Balanor, whose realms were intended to torment and punish them, although they gained limited control over them.
The foolish angels who followed the Titans to their own damnation became known as "The Nathrezim" (also called "The Nazraphim") horrific demons that served Balanor. Balnazzar, a Nathrezim disgusted by his own master and his failure, would escape the realm of Inferno and travel to the world of Ry'Leh. There, he swore allegiance to Desopath, an act which enraged both Balanor and Mephistous, Lord of The Nathrezim.

Balnazzar possessed necromantic abilities unmatched by any of the other Nathrezim, most likely because of his previous friendship with Aztarous, the Nether Prince of Death, before the Great Fall. He could single-handledly raise entire undead armies and send them to do his evil bidding. Desopath was especially interested in this power.

During the third great war between the Arthurian Alliance and the Crimson Horde, secret agents of the Alliance discovered scrolls and tomes that indicated that warlocks within the Crimson Horde were attempting to summon Desopath himself to the world of mortals. The Alliance ordered it's greatest mages to summon Desopath to the mortal realm before them, in the hope that the dark titan would aide them and destroy their enemies. The result was the greatest failure in mortal history.

Desopath attacked both sides, Alliance and Horde, destroying cities and decimating populations like no one had ever seen before or since. Desopath's greatest lieutenants all oversaw the assault of different regions, countries and continents. Balnazzar himself was tasked with the assault on the Northern Kingdoms. His attack was incredibly successful, and soon his undead armies overthrew the human cities, leaving the population to hide in small villages and forest shanty towns. The only city that remained in human hands was Andorhal.

Various mercenary and militia groups did their best to hold off the undead forces, but their success was limited. Even after Desopath was banished back to the Netherverse, Balnazzar and his undead army still hounded the remaining humans in the Northern Kingdoms.

The tide of war changed when Luther Lightwell, a powerful Templar Knight, united the various factions of human survivors into one great army - The Scarlet Crusade. Named after their fallen brothers, the newly formed Crusade managed to push the undead back, recovering several cities and chasing off the ghouls and zombies of Balnazzar's army. Although Luther would not live to see his kingdom recovered, he died knowing Balnazzar would be defeated. His son, Martin Lightwell, became the leader of the Templar Knights, but refused the position of Grand Crusader.

The Crusade was brutal, radical and zealous. Qualities that made them extremely effective against the undead. For years, they were violently opposed to all magic users, blaming them for the horror that had befallen their country. Eventually, the Crusade reluctantly brought some of the surviving magic users under their wing, but under strict supervision. Wizards and mages were very much second-class citizens in the Crusade.

Although two more Grand Crusaders would die before Sadian Delgado took over, the Scarlet Crusade successfully recovered most of the empire's old settlements. Only one massive undead outpost was left - the capital city of Stratholme. The Scarlet Crusade gathered all of it's forces together, followed by a slew of refuges who set up camps and occupied nearby abandoned buildings on the outskirts of the city to watch as the Crusade fight the ultimate final battle against Balnazzar and his minions.

Balnazzar had fallen, but he had yet to die. When a Nathrezim dies, their essence is collected into an infernal soulstone. After a decade of regenerating, they come back to life. Sadian Delgado became almost hypnotized by the strange crystal that had fallen from Balnazzar's body, and took it home with him after promising to destroy it.

A strange, tempting sensation seemed to pulse from the gem, almost like a quiet voice whispering to Sadian. Eventually the voice began to grow louder and louder, and harder to resist. The Grand Crusader didn't know it, but this was Balnazzar using what was left of his power to manipulate him, and it worked. Before the final night was over, the Grand Crusader shoved the infernal gem into his own forehead, and Balnazzar took complete control of his body and mind.

The weeks of celebration in the streets of every human settlement in the Northern Kingdoms came to an end, and it was clear work had to be done to rebuild what was lost. Balnazzar took this chance to mold the new kingdom in his own warped image. His first act was to forbid the study of any "dark" magic - seemingly a noble-minded religious act, the reality was Balnazzar was making sure no one could ever find out the truth about him. His second act was to impose incredibly strict laws on the people to keep them complacent. His third act was to cut the Northern Kingdoms off from all other factions, including the Peacekeepers.

Under Balnazzar's rule there were mass executions, imprisonment and beatings. The dystopian nature of Balnazzar's leadership became so bad that riots happened in the streets of Stratholme. The king, Adrian Lionheart, though he viewed the Crusade as his family, was forced to order the Crusade to move their biggest outpost out of his city and into an abandoned fortress near the small village of Dunwatch.

What Balnazzar didn't know was at that very same time, Amandus Cambria, a vengeful Necromancer, had gathered together a cult of other dark mages and was preparing to launch a full-on war against the Crusade. [To find out what happened after this, play my other War3 map, 'The Necromancer.']

The death of the Grand Crusader and his most loyal men came as a horrific shock to most of the Northern Kingdoms, but it turned out to be a blessing in disguise for both the Kingdom and the Crusade.

When King Lionheart and a group of Crusaders went to investigate Dunwatch, they found the entire town desolated and abandoned. The fortress the Scarlet Crusade had so fervently protected was in ruins, and the only sign that any life had lingered there were the discarded metal scraps that were once weapon and armor.

In the Grand Crusader's personal quarters, sealed by a massive iron door that had been destroyed, the group made a horrifying discovery: the corpses of several strange eldritch creatures surrounding a mysterious crystal. At that moment, King Lionheart heard Balnazzar's voice calling out to him, screaming in desperation, begging him to lunge the crystal into his forehead.

In a rage, King Lionheart stomped on the soulstone with all his might, shattering it to pieces and slaying the Dreadlord once and for all. The young king was the only one who had remembered the beast's fall, and how the Grand Crusader took the soulstone with him. He realized the Grand Crusader had been corrupted, and that the radical and menacing changes he had brought to the Crusade that Lionheart once viewed as a necessary evil were a ploy by a vengeful demon to enslave humanity.

Lionheart held a secret summit of the remaining Crusade leaders, including the Archbishop, the head Arcanist, The Berseker Commander and the head of the Templar. It was agreed that the shameful downfall of the Crusade could never become public, and the secret must die with them.

Major changes were made in the coming months. The Crusade began opening up talks with the Peacekeepers and other kingdoms. Although they would never rejoin the Arthurian Alliance, they became a close ally once again. They even allowed the Peacekeepers to establish several embassy buildings. Although magic was still forbidden outside of the Crusade's own Mages Guild, the penalty was no long execution. The torture chambers and sprawling dungeons that Balnazzar used to oppress the people were all destroyed.

Although the Crusade was still a zealous, radical group, they were much more humane. They had become a powerful tool to battle the undead once again, who are still a problem in the Northern Kingdoms to this day. Especially with the remnants of Cambria's cult lurking in the shadows.

Scarlet Crusade - The Finest Hour is a map set in Angora. A world similar to the main Warcraft universe, but different in many significant ways. In this universe, The Alliance (The Arthurian Alliance) and The Horde (The Crimson Horde) are shaky allies, working together only out of a mutual interest of survival as war and death has reduced the numbers of all sapient races down to a tenth of what they once were. Great beasts of untold power known as "Nether Princes" watch over the world of Angora from a horrific realm known as "The Netherverse." Causing chaos and bring woe whenever they're able to. But in this world, there is also a third faction - The Golden Union - that has united to challenge both. Founded by the Osman Empire, the kingdoms of the Golden Union wish to have no part in petty Alliance/Horde politics.

A grand alliance of creatures from every race known as "The Peacekeepers" was established after the second coming of Desopath. Currently led by a powerful wizard known as "Kelen the Seeker" The Peacekeepers act as a mediator organization between all the other races and kingdoms. Despite their efforts to maintain world peace, not everyone has a high opinion of them.

Allies of The Arthurian Empire: The Bronze Alliance (Dwarves), The Silver Covenant (High Elves), The Argus Empire (Draenei), The Empire of Elune (Night Elves), The Gulrgal Clan (Murlocs).

Allies of The Crimson Horde: The Sons of Ahmaji (Jungle Trolls), The Sons of Zul'Jin (Forest Trolls), The Brujahk Clan (Ogres), The Black Hand (Redeemed Undead), The Hooftar Tribe (Tauren).

Allies of the Golden Union: The Osman Empire (Human), The Vargulf Liberation Front (Worgen), The Remnants (Redeemed Undead), The Anubis Clan (Catmen), The Redscale Tribe (Lizardmen), The Riverpaw Tribe (Gnolls), The Gorlack Cartel (Goblins), The Jaoming Dynasty (Pandaren).

Neutral/Unaligned Empires: The Scarlet Crusade (Human), The Nasajhar Empire (Naga), The Blood Wake (Blood Elves), The Risen Dawn (Dark Elves), The Nomads (Gnomes), The Steamwheedle Cartel (Goblins), The Blaugal Clan (Murlocs), The Underwarth Tribes (Kobolds), The Stonefist Tribe (Ogres),

Evil Organizations: The Slavers, The Syndicate, The Elementals, The Darkhammer Clan (Dwarves), The Grimtotem Tribe (Tauren), The Twilight Hammer, The Order of Balanor, The Undead Scourge, The Cult of Aztarous, The Desopathic Union, The Burning Legion, The Eldritch.

Wirt's Leg + Wirt's Other Leg + Wirt's Third Leg = Wirt's Pride
Khalim's Eye + Khalim's Flail + Khalim's Heart + Khalim's Brain = Khalim's Will
Purification Orb + Black Runeblade = Purified Runeblade
Mask of Death + Orb of Heat + Savage Battle Axe = Mask of Fury
Revolver + Shotgun + Scrap Metal = Heavy Machine Gun
Necklace of Spell Immunity + Holy Tome of Light + Purification Orb = Templar Amulet
Staff of Ages + The Archmagi's Spellbook + Mana Stone = Archmage's Greatstaff
Enchanted Shield + Health Stone + Orb of Heat = Guardian Shield
Hood of Cunning + Kelen's Dagger of Escape + Sobi Mask = Bandit Lord's Hood
Purification Orb + Orb of Darkness = Radiant Holy Orb
Potion of Mana + Potion of Healing = Potion of Restoration
Common Sword + Orb of Heat = Searing Blade
Common Sword + Orb of Frost = Frostguard
Common Sword + Orb of Darkness = Black Runeblade
Scrap Metal + Circlet of Nobility + Purification Orb = Amulet of Spellshield
Amulet of Spellshield + Wand of Mana Stealing + Arcane Scroll = Necklace of Spell Immunity
Scrap Metal + Ironwood Branch = Sturdy War Axe
Common Shield + Arcane Scroll = Enchanted Shield
Common Shield + Orb of Darkness + Scrap Metal = Shield of the Deathlord
Ironwood Branch + Arcane Scroll = Mindstaff
Common Sword + Arcane Scroll = Mage's Blade

SV_Cheats 1: Activates cheat codes
-NoFatChicks: Removes all elite abominations.
-CreepyWeepy: Gives you control of all creeps.
-OccupyStrath: Makes the boss' minions hostile to them.
-Beefcake: Increases the health of all your units.
-ClarkKent: Sets the handicap to normal.
-FirePower: Gives you extra attack damage.
-FlowerPower: Gives you a wisp that can build a night elf army.
-NoAttackers: Disables enemy armies for a more mellow game, similar to the original map.
-Take: will give you control of any selected unit
-Kill: will kill any selected unit
-ZaWarudo: Freeze the game.
-KiraIsBetter: Unfreeze the game.
-Move: Send a unit to your main base.
-OrcPork: Give yourself a Peon in a box that summons an orc.
-NagaBaga: Summon Naga workers.
-Dran: Summon Lost One Dreanei workers.
-lvlup: Make all your heroes level 10.
-DeadByDawn: Summon Acolytes. Little counterproductive to the whole "fighting the undead" thing but sometimes you gotta fight fire with fire!
Xenomorphling: Special bonus cheat! No need to activate cheats for this one. This'll just give you some extra items at the start.

Certain versions of the game might glitch key triggers out when you save/load. To accommodate this, I've added some workaround codes.
- If the end cinematic doesn't play after you give Sadian the Soulstone, type in -workaround while its in his inventory to activate the ending.
- If you lost or destroyed the soulstone, type -fixstone to respawn it at the place Balnazzar first appeared.

If you've beaten this map several times now and want a little something extra, Overtime Mode will refill the map with entirely new enemies and awaken a second, even tougher boss!

To activate it, you'll need three items: 1) Balnazzar's Soulstone, which drops after you kill him. 2) A Purification Orb, which you can buy from the Thrift Shop. 3) Phat Lewt, the legendary gag item, now dropped by killing the poor Brewmaster panda in the Nowrthwest sewers, right behind Nihlathak's base. Combine them all in the Horadric Cube to get the Overtime Token. Use it to activate Overtime Mode.

Without spoiling the surprise, a new boss will appear, one of your heroes will be replaced, and a new type of enemy faction will start to spawn at key points in the city. The new units come in large groups summoned by a demonic portal that opens up, spews them and dies out on its own. Your base will be attacked by a huge flurry of enemies that all deal chaos damage. Luckily, your new hero also does chaos damage, and has a neat new summoning spell.

The secret boss is spell immune and has better stats than Balnazzar, so get ready for a hell of a fight. If you manage to beat him, the map finally ends with a victory. But beware: he can portal in more enemies, and the path to his area will be guarded by even more new ones. Your game may also slow down a bit initially when processing all the new monsters. But it'll pass and you'll be back to normal soon. The fight is definitetly winnable, but will take some extra preperation and strategy.

There won't be any more attacks on your base after the first one. This is just an "icing on the cake" kind of thing, now a whole new game mode.

Go forth and conquer, mighty heroes!

[Story and Game Design]

[AI, Programming and Addition Changes]

Blizzard Entertainment


[Models and Skins]
Wandering Soul
Mc !
Eagle XI
Rubellu Sidus


[Special Thanks]
Blizzard Entertainment
The HiveWorkshop

(Temporarily down! Apologies for the Inconvenience)

Warcraft, Scarlet Crusade, Undead, Zombies, Skeletons, Ghosts, Stratholme, Campaign, Storyline, City Battle, Exploration, Necromancer, Scourge, Plague

Scarlet Crusade - The Finest Hour (Map)

Scarlet Crusade - The Finest Hour (Map)

13:18, 6th Apr 2016 Ardenian: Commented. Please fix at least the bug with black mask and fog of war. Black mask is applied if the player skips the cinematic, but the whole map is visible if he watches it. Please also add a changelog and a...
Level 18
Feb 19, 2009
there will be no ai attacking your base thing?
or retired from making maps now :(

I certainly can't say for sure it'll never be implemented, but for right now I'm leaving this map the way it is. After working on it non-stop for a year and a half I need quite a long break.

What I found out from working with an AI designer is that because there are so many enemies in this map, the extremely vital food limit needed for the AI to work is way too high. This would mean having to create one or more new players to control the bosses and trash mobs so the buildings can produce enemies. Or, alternative, create 1-3 new players that produce enemies.

It's a surprisingly complicated (but entirely doable) process to add AI to this map. It pretty much means gutting it and surgically replacing the working parts. Again, it's entirely possible but it's quite a daunting task.
Level 6
Jul 15, 2017
*Looking at the description*

"Introduced in 1.30 Edition
Dynamic Enemy AI: The armies of the living dead are now backed up by powerful attack forces! You cannot reach their new bases directly and must kill certain bosses around the map to end the attacks!
Reworked Heroes and Units: Now the heroes of the Crusade have all new abilities and the techtree has been edited. Now the map plays smoother than ever!
QWER Abilities: All heroes abilities have now been mapped to the traditional QWER format for convenience."

me: FINALLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY :):eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::)
Level 3
Jul 10, 2010
I clicked the one super caster unit you can train only 1 of and it crashed my game, Might be related or just bad timing. Also, any reason you made the undead units basically all use upgrades while the hounds and a lot of scarlet units can't upgrade their attack and defense? Seems a little unbalanced to me, overall a decent map though but a lot of your units are pretty weak compared to the enemy ones and building towers doesn't seem worth it when they just tickle the stronger enemies like DKs.
Level 6
Jul 15, 2017
Great map, tho I would even like it more to have a friendly base controlled by AI of another scarlet crusade :) or maybe even two :D

It was meant to be as a single player vs ai you know

My god Homor you really want me to suffer what i beg for.
"About Undead AI attacking your base"

And dear god it was worth it :eek::eek::eek: and also frustrating :mad::mad::mad:

Like i have to restart everytime and try to outsmart the ai but the ai outsmart me :D
Level 1
Nov 29, 2017
Alright! Thank you Homor and Walichrage for updating it. Downloading it now and will play it in a couple days. :)
Level 2
Nov 29, 2015
Very nice campaign. I tried the "-FlowerPower" cheat and i get a whisp which cannot build anything because it hasn't the build icon in the control panel. Check it out to see whats the problem.
Level 18
Feb 19, 2009
Very nice campaign. I tried the "-FlowerPower" cheat and i get a whisp which cannot build anything because it hasn't the build icon in the control panel. Check it out to see whats the problem.

I believe that was an intentional change on the part of Walichrage. Now the Wisp casts Starfall at no mana cost.

I think later I'll make the cheat version create buildings, while the easter egg one can just be the same as it is now.
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Level 2
Nov 29, 2015
I believe that was an intentional change on the part of Walichrage. Now the Wisp casts Starfall at no mana cost.

I think later I'll make the cheat version create buildings, while the easter egg one can just be the same as it is now.
Level 2
Aug 23, 2018
Great map, cool army! :D That 's all! I just use cheat and found 2 secret UD bases, how to reach them pls :(?
Level 18
Feb 19, 2009
Patch 1.4 is live! This will probably be the last one, outside of hotfixes.

Changes include:
- Fixed the Night Elf cheat code. Now cheaters get a Night Elf army, and the honest players get the satisfaction of doing the right thing!
- Added some new destructibles for variety. Some crates at the earlier areas of the city have guaranteed drops as a quality of life improvement, while all crates later on are purely random, and most of them should drop nothing.
- Added new secrets
- Completing the main quest and activating Free Play mode will now reveal the entire map
- Added three new cheat codes: "-Kill" will kill any selected unit, "-Take" will take over any selected unit, and "-NoAttackers" will kill all AI armies. WARNING: This *WILL* cause momentary lag, and will erase two years of hard work you absolute monster ):<
- General spelling/grammar improvements for unit, spell and upgrade descriptions.
- The Goblin Laboratory now sells Goblin Land Mines! If you can survive getting there, they'll help out a lot.

Please let me know if you have any problems. Your feedback keeps me sane.
EDIT: Hotfix. Uploaded the wrong version. Very embarrassing.

Check this spoiler for secrets:
There's a frog behind a wall of trees in your first base. Kill him and he'll drop about 600 gold coins. Better to save this guy for later. There's also a Pandaren Brewmaster in the aqueducts behind the green undead base in the top left corner of the map. If you manage to find a way to get over there and kill him, there's a chance he'll drop a high-tier item and you'll get 1000 gold coins, and also a scolding for animal cruelty.

EDIT: Hotfix 8/8/19
- Cheat Wisp could not build structures, this has been fixed.
- Hounds buff now reads "summoned unit" instead of "parasite"
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Level 4
Jun 9, 2017
I think you need to update to the latest version good sir
Alright i'm using the latest version and i found the map in the custom games menu. but when i try to play it. once again like a previous problem i've had. it gives me a weird error. This one


  • Warcraft III 2019-08-09 13-14-13-530.jpg
    Warcraft III 2019-08-09 13-14-13-530.jpg
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Level 4
Jun 9, 2017
Wow, that's really strange. I hope no one else is having this issue.

If anyone else has the map's current build downloaded, can you check and make sure this problem isn't replicated?

Something i noticed so far. i can't seem to use the -df[1-6] code to choose difficulity. tried choosing the number i want only.tried removing brackets. tried writing it as is nope nothing happened
Level 4
Jun 9, 2017
Alright so i just finished the map. overall it's PERFECT.though i would've rathered if the bosses were even stronger.it was rather easy defeating (the last boss) not saying anything for spoilers. anyways. if i were to rate this map out of 10 (the classic version since i can't use the normal) i'd give it a 9.3/10
Level 3
Nov 25, 2018
Well what happened to me was like the dumbest thing that could ever happened to a player. After spending 3 hours and 20 mins playing the map on hell difficulty getting my ass whooped so hard and with only iseedeadpeople cheat i finally killed balnazzar after 30 mins fight but instead of picking up the soulstone with grand crusader i picked it up with another hero and now i cant drop it WHAT DO I DO NOW
Level 18
Feb 19, 2009
Well what happened to me was like the dumbest thing that could ever happened to a player. After spending 3 hours and 20 mins playing the map on hell difficulty getting my ass whooped so hard and with only iseedeadpeople cheat i finally killed balnazzar after 30 mins fight but instead of picking up the soulstone with grand crusader i picked it up with another hero and now i cant drop it WHAT DO I DO NOW
Oh, shit... uh, maybe just start the map over and cheat to get to the ending? I'll see if I can fix that in a later patch.
Level 18
Feb 19, 2009

I made a quick hotfix so that Balnazzar's soulstone can be dropped, finally. I know you're probably not in the mood to replay the entire map from scratch but if you, or just wanna check it out, try typing your username in while playing. I've got a surprise for you.
Level 3
Nov 25, 2018

I made a quick hotfix so that Balnazzar's soulstone can be dropped, finally. I know you're probably not in the mood to replay the entire map from scratch but if you, or just wanna check it out, try typing your username in while playing. I've got a surprise for you.

thanks a lot homor <3 you're amazing, ill replay the map and see my surprise also sorry for bothering you ^^

Edit : i just started the map again and wrote my username hahahaha nice surprise tho it makes me wanna replay again and ill do that :D thanks again
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Level 9
Dec 29, 2017
Ok so some problems.

The enemy AI is easily confused. The ones that attack using air. Didn't attack me till much much later in the game. Sometimes an abomination would try to return to his base but he can't.

So the only thing the panda drops is the Ankh of reincarnation? Can we get him to join our side or smth?

We run out of gold too fast. This is a major issue. I literally barely was able to scrap something together.

As for the cheats. I don't understand why building Night Elf Bases helps us? Like there doesn't seem to be any real point to it.

Please give us the back pack ability. There are so many items on the ground. Would be very useful to pick these up and sell them.

Why can't we attack the bottom 3 bases? Whats the point of making them unreachable?

Overall i enjoyed it. But there are quite a few problems that i hope gets addressed.

I also didn't find the revolver.

EDIT: After reading other people the game does not end i just realized. I didn't fight Balanzar myself. I did in fact kill everything on the map except the bottom 3 bases.
Level 18
Feb 19, 2009
I've updated the map for the first time in two years. It was a strange feeling, but there's some fun new stuff to play with!

Patch 3.0*
"Bye Bye Kotick" Update

  • New models and textures added, includibng the Judgement Paladin by Murlocologist , and Alexandros Mograine by PROXY!
  • Two starting gold mines now have much more gold, to make early/mid game less punishing.
  • Crusaders can now learn Sundering Blades
  • Backpack Upgrade readded. Originally excluded to prevent an endgame bug, the issue has been resolved. Thus this limitation is no longer necessary.
  • More recent cheat codes now listed in the "Cheat" menu.
  • General fixes to the description
  • Original Legacy version is now bundled with the actual resource. "2.0 Legacy version" is currently being considered.

*I'm updating the way I count patches. The original version is now "1.0", the initial AI release is "2.0" and this version is "3.0" because... it's the newest. Kotick's departure from Activision actually had nothing to do with this update, but I figure I'd name it that to memorialize this glorious outcome. Goodbye, Kotick. May your grease never wash off!
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Level 9
Dec 29, 2017
Replayed it cuz It got updated on my feed. Hella fun tbh.

Couple things I would like to add.

The screen turns black with the exceptions of certain small parts on the screen. Which is really odd. It happens on and off.

I played on the Hurt me Plenty difficulty. Which I'm pretty sure is the hardest difficulty. I honestly felt it was too easy.

You have incredibly strong Unique units. Which can carry and Utilize items which is pretty cool. But like besides supporting units all other men basically become useless. I had a group of 12 all heroes and unique units and destroyed the entire map. Considering how strong they are. I like the idea of only having 1 of each unique unit.

Balanzzar was a joke. Making him spell immune maybe double his health and other shit.

The Bottom 3 bases stop attacking after a while. Like the Red Base comes from the cave next to the base. But I just made a buncha Cannon Towers and they don't even show up. This is a problem with the rest of bases are the right bottom as well. They just stop attacking after a point.

I wish we did have a way to attack the bottom 3 bases. Kind of annoys me that they can avoid the hammer of justice.

The Flowerpower ability doesn't really give us any decent units. If we could make 3/4 heroes from altar of elders it would actually feel like a cheat. But here it just feels like there isn't really anything you can make.

Overall I enjoyed it alot. The fact is I just wanna play more. Harder Difficulty so I can be constantly on edge.

4/5 - Ton of fun.
Level 18
Feb 19, 2009
Replayed it cuz It got updated on my feed. Hella fun tbh.

Couple things I would like to add.

The screen turns black with the exceptions of certain small parts on the screen. Which is really odd. It happens on and off.

I played on the Hurt me Plenty difficulty. Which I'm pretty sure is the hardest difficulty. I honestly felt it was too easy.

You have incredibly strong Unique units. Which can carry and Utilize items which is pretty cool. But like besides supporting units all other men basically become useless. I had a group of 12 all heroes and unique units and destroyed the entire map. Considering how strong they are. I like the idea of only having 1 of each unique unit.

Balanzzar was a joke. Making him spell immune maybe double his health and other shit.

The Bottom 3 bases stop attacking after a while. Like the Red Base comes from the cave next to the base. But I just made a buncha Cannon Towers and they don't even show up. This is a problem with the rest of bases are the right bottom as well. They just stop attacking after a point.

I wish we did have a way to attack the bottom 3 bases. Kind of annoys me that they can avoid the hammer of justice.

The Flowerpower ability doesn't really give us any decent units. If we could make 3/4 heroes from altar of elders it would actually feel like a cheat. But here it just feels like there isn't really anything you can make.

Overall I enjoyed it alot. The fact is I just wanna play more. Harder Difficulty so I can be constantly on edge.

4/5 - Ton of fun.
-df3 "Hurt Me Plenty" is actually normal difficult. -df6 "Hell" is the hardest one.

That's the funny thing about the bottom 3 bases: Watchirage actually designed them to be tethered to certain conditions in the map. For example: if you kill Head Engineer Godfrey, Godfrey's Machinations stop attacking. That's how you're meant to defeat the enemy bases. I forget exactly what the conditions are, but Watchirage wrote them down in my DMs and I'll look them up later. IIRC, the only enemy army you can't destroy is Death From Above, but they have weird pathfinding because this map wasn't originally designed with enemy AI in mind.

If you really want to bring justice to the vile undead hordes, after you beat Balnazzar, activate cheats and type "-NoAttackers" to blow them all up. Consider it your reward for a job well done.

Many of the unique units are supposed to be limited to 1. Anything that gives an aura is meant to be limited to 1. If you're massing Gallants, I did something wrong XD

FlowerPower is really more of an Easter Egg than a cheat. I just thought being able to use two different army types at once was cool. But here's a neat little exploit we kept in: if you gather lumber with your Wisps, you can trade it to the bank in town square for gold. This means you'll have an infinite source of gold for the entire map. Cool, right?

Thank you for the feedback!
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Level 18
Feb 19, 2009
thanks a lot homor <3 you're amazing, ill replay the map and see my surprise also sorry for bothering you ^^

Edit : i just started the map again and wrote my username hahahaha nice surprise tho it makes me wanna replay again and ill do that :D thanks again
On another note: do you still have that version of the map, XenoMorphing? I think I lost it on my own personal HD during a couple moves DX
Level 9
Dec 29, 2017
Oh Am such a dumbass
I Kept typing
I was supposed to type

I'll play this again. Since it was too easy the first time lol. Maybe I'll even keep track of the items.
Also I forgot to mention. The Orb of Fire that you can buy on Arcane Vault isn't mixable with the Crafting Recipe's. I'm guessing this is intentional but maybe name it something else?
Level 18
Feb 19, 2009
Oh Am such a dumbass
I Kept typing
I was supposed to type

I'll play this again. Since it was too easy the first time lol. Maybe I'll even keep track of the items.
Also I forgot to mention. The Orb of Fire that you can buy on Arcane Vault isn't mixable with the Crafting Recipe's. I'm guessing this is intentional but maybe name it something else?
That was not intentional and I messed up DX. Fixing next update.

Edit to avoid a double-post:
It's here! The newest patch! Nothing too big or fancy, just some general changes to art and bug-squashing. I think this might be the last update? It's started to feel like Gilding the Lilly.

  • Fixed Guardian Shield recipe
  • Renamed Orb of Fire to Orb of Heat
  • Various art asset tweaks
  • Added new cheat codes (See Cheats Section)
  • Final Boss buffed
  • Fixed XenoMorphling easter egg not working. Type in his name and get some neat toys, no cheat activation needed!
  • Description and effect of Ashbringer tweaked.
  • Fixed description of Sundering Blades to say "Crusaders" instead of "Knights"
  • "Elite Abomination" overhauled to "Plague Eruptor"
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Level 4
Jun 9, 2017
just a random question. since i'm not very knowledgeable about the making of warcraft campaigns/maps. but why have different versions of the map for different versions of the game and not make just the same version for all the maps and have legacy versions available but for all versions of the game
Level 5
Jun 18, 2021
I remember playing this back in late 2020, didn't actually expect it to get an update for 1.31, I'm glad it's 1.31 and not the disaster that is Reforged.
Very nice! :ogre_haosis: