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Level 4
Dec 25, 2006
Well here is one of the models I made, a ritualist

BTW. How do I post a picture here


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Level 4
Dec 25, 2006
Man dont get so mad for only a tincy-wincy thing I asked how to post a picture here??? Didnt know how coz when i click add picture it opens me something like http://

I should write something here but i dont know what.

That is why i asked

anyway edited the first post, the skin by itself is pritty good but the picture is a little cloudy
Level 45
Jun 3, 2005
mad? no.. im just abit phlegmatic (hmm..yes.. i did need a dictionary and thesaurus for that..hopefully... i chose the right word..probably not...meh) atm ..although it might have come out as grouchy or abit cold to you but i didn't intend anything offensive..

anyway, i didn't mean show the skin on the model, i mean show the skin... cuz atm like iv said before to another guy who did the same thing, i cant crit if i cant see the skin.

EDIT: and show your images in larger dimensions too.. people don't like looking bat works the size thumbnails...excluding if they are icons though..and other stuff.
Level 4
Dec 25, 2006
I see a button that sais Insert Image and i suppose that i should insert an image by it but i dont know how can u explain it to me????

And I dont understand what you said abouth thumbinals dimension.
Level 18
Oct 7, 2006
Uhhh ok
Well it looks like all you did, was make her clothes black
And add some badly drawn red and black runes to her
Maybe make her totally differant
Cause in this, it looks like Jaina got into a black inwell and someone drew with red crayons on her clothes
Maybe a totally differant face and staff 2
Level 45
Jun 3, 2005
More freehand and less colour, alot of artists find skins easy, graphics artists..well they just whack filters on... =_= and think its easier and that people who do freehand are idiots becuase they think it wastes time.

But i suggest you study more on colour and such since it will help you on your freehanding.

and the probs are already stated, rune slaps and recolours are a no-no even if they are good looking or barely noticable ingame, skins are still works of art, not something that can just be slack jobbed.

Anyway, at least you didnt recolour her all red or something lousy, so just practice freehand and im sure you will turn out great (alot of people i know who sucked at skinning at the start have gone to be some of the best skinners/artists i know) so dont lose faith.
Level 45
Jun 3, 2005
Shading..as in..Tone.. let me show you...(refer to attached images...and..no i do not intend to show off, these are just quickly made...so..dont...draw thick dark lines like i have... >.>)

When you shade, you must know where to shade basing it from a light source eg. left or right, where the light its coming from

and freehanding basicly means done by you, and not done by a part of a program that generates that part for you. meaning you draw everything only with the help of brushes and tools, filters are made to mimic freehand stuff..well sorta..

The images i have done are freehanded, i did the shading manually and drawn it manually.

im no technical person, Afro might be able to help in this area, but ill try to explain as best as i can.
image1:no shading, just solid colours
image2:shading, the stuff that makes 2d feel more 3d(but not..actually 3d >.>) and as you can see (sorta...) the stripes have blended in with the shadingand thats how your runes should be like.

and also, i wont touch your skin, i dont feel comfortable touching peoples work (well i have touched falcos..but not others from what i can remember)

EDIT: screw it, i changed my mind, ill edit your skin but ask me if you want me to pm the preview to you or post it here.
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Level 4
Dec 25, 2006
this is done very nicely. How long did it take you??? And ok you said the light is coming from one side but how do i do it on the skin coz the skin applies both sides from one. U know like it opies and twists it and applyes it to the other side. If it isnt a too big problem for you i would realy like if you would remake the skin i posted but I cant make you do anything. Any way this is done realy nice i like it.

EDIT Which program are u using
Level 45
Jun 3, 2005
Well i just reinstalled everything just afew hrs ago, but i use paint shop pro 10. From what i know, Afro and Falco use that too, while others use Photoshop.

and it took me around 5-10 mins, im not sure...maybe abit more.

anyway, heres what falco meant... i think...(see attached image)

and light sources on a skin are often from the front, but the source isnt strong so the shading is ..um..well hard to explain, but just observe some things like your hand with a lamp or some other object.
i didnt redo all of your skin, but you should have had that face..bandana thing shaded like this.
and experiment with skins on learn how they wrap on the model sometimes the lightsource can be tricky.

oh..and if your worried if over 10 mins is long,it isnt, when your really involved with a skin you forget the time ..alot and it goes by fast, my skins take about 1 hr, or longer..dunno, i said it somewhere at this site on how long it takes me on average, while other people who do realy detailed skin take up to 3 days of work(not in total though).


  • head.jpg
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Level 4
Dec 25, 2006
I cant belive this, I mean how to hell do you do it. I officialy will quit making skins

EDIT: Do you maybe know where can I get paint Pro 10
Level 45
Jun 3, 2005
um..dont quit, it takes time... i was pretty..crap not that long ago... i still have major flaws.. and its nothing too special, its just a matter of practice and such.

I have a paid Version of PaintshopPro10.
But photoshop is proclaimed to be the best drawing program on the market, but ill give you a link to a 30 day trial:
also i just found out that:
Paint Shop Pro 10.0 has been updated to Paint Shop Pro Photo 11.
Level 4
Dec 25, 2006
Your skin looks so awsom here but the proble is you didnt fit the eye shade to the right place so on the model she has like - . - eyes :D

But it is awsom anyway, I dont get it how did you make the bandana look so material like.

I have these corel programs. Is this photo paint somwhere here????

How do i post a picture here????


  • ds.bmp
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Level 4
Dec 25, 2006
OK i have both photoshop and a corel pack 12. Il do it in photoshot coz i know it better than photo paint. But man I dont think I would never be able to make a skin like that. Especialy the materialy look of the bandana i love it so much.
Level 18
Apr 15, 2004
Hello. W!tA_cRaft if you wish to skin, and skin well it takes time. You need to take time on your skins using tiny brushes and slight color variations and many many layers. Anyone can skin well if they take their time.
zoom in as far as you can and edit the skin with smaller brushes its the best method to start with, use low opacity blacks and whites for shades and lighter spots.(or use darker and lighter base colors if black and white are looking poorly)

always remember the direction of the light source when doing a skin. most skins the light source is usually head on and slightly above the person.

Look at the world around and mimic that in your work.

I cant stress enough that you need to take your time and work to make small changes over and over again.
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