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Retribution Aura - Custom Aura need help

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Level 8
Sep 30, 2012
Yup thanks you guys. But as allways im sticking to GUI atm so i guess there isnt a way doing it in GUI.. I will "prolong" the matter and come back to it once im skilled in vJass :)
(".." guess thats not the right word for it, excuse my english)

as of now i will probably make the aura decrease damage or something..
Here you go.

How to Install at your map :
[1] Install lfh's DDS, look at it's manual
[2] Create a custom Aura (any aura will do), make sure you use custom buff for the aura
[3] Copy the Retribution Aura Folder
[4] Set the Config trigger properly (I made the test map only requires you to change the buff to the correct one)
[5] Done!

tell me for any issues.


  • PDDS - Retribution.w3x
    41.7 KB · Views: 105
Level 8
Sep 30, 2012
Haha u crazy bastard! Thanks man! Kick-ass! Dude i would have tried.. but i guess thats a piece of cake for you.. anyway i probably have to hand the whole project to you, for all the help you gave me already :)

and special thanks to Nestharus for doing this awesome DDS system! woop woop! :p
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