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Reskin Flag Dodoad and JASS terrain marks

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Level 12
Apr 26, 2008
Hi well i have started to make some maps for the clan "Clan Maps" and i would need some dodoads with the clan symbol on it and terrain= the pics only need to be transformed in blp and then add them with JASS in the map
(Create MapMark...)

Dodoad Flag symbol: (could you try to add this symbol?)

And meaby for terrain:
Clan Logo:




Would be great if someone could make them :) +rep and support

Well here are the maps i want i already marked the points of where the marks(pictures) should be set...


  • Maps.zip
    935.7 KB · Views: 68
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
Heh im sure most here are like 'wtf is wc3l/eps/zotac' coz that's a mapmaking site... I've taken part in my country's EPS but was not titular player to play in more than 1 season. Cool idea, finally someone to make smth about melee. So will Mad play them? I suppose they are made for them as well.

JASS = ewww for me, I can't help there

Hope it's ok. The path is:


The doodad is the Banner White. I know the NGL maps also have banners, I have to look into other leagues' maps to see what other doodads suit to have logo.


  • flag2_64.blp
    19.4 KB · Views: 66
Last edited:
Level 12
Apr 26, 2008
Heh im sure most here are like 'wtf is wc3l/eps/zotac' coz that's a mapmaking site... I've taken part in my country's EPS but was not titular player to play in more than 1 season. Cool idea, finally someone to make smth about melee. So will Mad play them? I suppose they are made for them as well.

JASS = ewww for me, I can't help there

Hope it's ok. The path is:


The doodad is the Banner White. I know the NGL maps also have banners, I have to look into other leagues' maps to see what other doodads suit to have logo.

wow thats awesome ^^ .. yea cool so you played eps:) nice nice .. well yea i through it would become some intern clan map :thumbs_up:

hm yea i could ask someone for jass well could you at least make the pics in blp^^?? would be great +rep between
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
Well, blp-s use powers of 2 for height and width like 64,128,256,512. it depends on what doodad you're going to use them to know how to enlarge or shrink the image before converting to blp. In that case I had to make the texture big, so that the logo and the 'Mad' can be seen clearly.
Level 12
Apr 26, 2008
Well, blp-s use powers of 2 for height and width like 64,128,256,512. it depends on what doodad you're going to use them to know how to enlarge or shrink the image before converting to blp. In that case I had to make the texture big, so that the logo and the 'Mad' can be seen clearly.

well you know those ief maps or turny maps where there are logos on the terrain well they should be made blp and then set on the terrain with jass wait i send you a blp from an turny map


  • DZ.blp
    24.7 KB · Views: 73
  • WG.blp
    24.5 KB · Views: 88
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