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Requests MTG Skins/Models

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Level 2
May 11, 2007
Alright, so I'm working on an MTG AoS that will be the best map ever, once I get it out, just you wait :p The thing is, I like custom skins and models, and believe they fit my map. If anyone could help me get the following skins/models for some of my heroes, I will obviously credit your assistance.

I'm looking for:

A model for Mirri, Cat Warrior, or reskin.
A model for Razia, Akroma and Reya, Angels. Models with wings are obviously preferred :p
A model for Arcanis, The Omnipotent. There are lots of mage models, I'm looking for one more along the lines of floating like Lich, hooded, with no face but glowing eyes.

And that's all I need for now. If you can make and/or point me to where I can find these models or skins, I will be very appreciative :)

Help fuel the war effort!

A suitable reskin for Arcanis has been found. I also need a skin of a rat ninja for Ink-Eyes as well.
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Level 2
May 11, 2007
It's not about overconfidence... more about knowing I'll be putting the time and effort into a map to get it to the point where it will be the best map. *Shrug* Were I to adopt a pessimistic method of thinking, I'd be setting myself up for failure.
It's not about overconfidence... more about knowing I'll be putting the time and effort into a map to get it to the point where it will be the best map. *Shrug* Were I to adopt a pessimistic method of thinking, I'd be setting myself up for failure.

You gave NO info on your map. Why should someone spend 30 hours of their life to make these models? And saying "it is the best map ever" isn't a good move. I AM pessimistic about this map, because you look like you haven't started the map yet. Any screenshots? And demo maps? And info on map? Anything?
Level 2
May 11, 2007
Alright, you're right, I haven't give much info about the map, so here goes. The terrain is near finished, I have a friend currently working on that, once I have the completed terrain, I'll point screenshots of it. So far, I'm working on the hero/spells for the map currently while he does that, since that's easily imported.

The map will be called MTG : The Brothers War, and features Urza vs. Mishra in an AoS style map. The map will feature the normal creep spawn waves that will be different depending on the side, so far the only part I know about that is that the basic melee units for Mishra will be assembly workers and will be shrunk down siege golems (They're going to look so cute!). So far I have 24 heroes planned out, 12 for each side, consisting of heros from the MTG card game itself. Their abilities are based in part off of cards in the game as well.

For instance,

Arcanis, The Omnipotent, has the following spells : Psionic Blast, Counterspell, Flashfreeze, and Time Stop as his ultimate. (He's actually a completed hero in terms of spell triggers, although I plan on making flashfreeze more graphically... special, as I was just messing around with the triggers when I made it.)

As far as gameplay, it functions on a basic AoS style game with a few seperate qualities. Instead of creeps giving gold on death, they'll give mana. 1 mana per kill to be exact, heroes will give 5. Also on the map there will be 3 capturable locations that will give mana over time. I haven't decided on the exact interval, whether it be 1 every 15 seconds, or 1 every 30, it depends on how I can balance item costs.

Also, I usually hate maps where you can purchase creeps to help push a lane, however, in an MTG map it is most fitting, so, with much skepticism on myself, I will be adding creeps you can purchase. These creeps however, won't be the small run of the mill, extra 400 hps archer types you can summon and run down your lane once, they'll be large creatures that cost a lot of mana and will actually push a lane by itself if it isn't stopped.

Items and equipment in the game will also be named and based on Equipment and Artifacts in the MTG world. To also prove to you further my dedication to this map, I've attached a file containing the list of heroes I've worked on for each side and what all of these abilities do. As stated before, once I get the terrain, I will post screenshots of that, and one I create some spells that are more graphically intensive, I'll post screenshots of those.

I've only completed two heroes so far, and they were relatively easy. So, that's basically my idea in a nutshell. I believe it adds to it a new aspect of strategy to an AoS, as the 3 locations will be key to success. Two reside in areas close to the respective bases, and one resides in the middle, leading to one hopefully seesaw battle and maybe some sting missions into enemy territory. I'm going to add a 30 second capture timer to each location, as well as a warning message to the enemy team if a location of theirs is being captured.

So that's what I have. If you feel this map is something you'd like to be a part of, there are numerous art things that I would need for it in addition to the models/skins listed in the first post.

Help is much appreciated, and I assure you, this map will go somewhere, pardon my optimism.


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Level 2
May 11, 2007
Unfortunately, any map that's released at this point will be 'another' of something. The thing is, I like MTG, and I like AoS maps, but there was only 1 and it wasn't very good. So I wish to make one that's better.

Additionally, I also wish to note that most of the abilities listed in my text file are prototypes, as time goes on in this map work I'll be working on making more of them 'original' and less cookie cutter abilities. I'll keep this updated as things change and time goes on, and perhaps when my map nears completion, someone will then feel confident enough in my abilities to lend a hand on my models. That's all for now!
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