Replay Issue

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Level 9
Oct 2, 2008
Where do I find a replay in my Sc2 folder? I would like to post an interesting short replay.

EDIT: Ok, I found it. I saw this on youtube and it seemed fun. Map is Scrap Station against this random dude, we r good friends now. What I'm doing in this replay is I'm building a proxy pylon in front of his base.

Then I'm building lots of Photon Cannons and I'm slowly moving in. Worked like a charm. My opponent is really quite lame with Terrans so that also played a big role, but rather watch replay and see it all.

WARNING! I know this will NOT work against any better player, and avoid Terrans, they have Siege Tanks. Use only when bored or against noobs and less skilled players.


  • Scrap Station.SC2Replay
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