well if your using the ingame one it wont increase size anyways?
unless you need it edited...
Its not to hard, but it is tedius so here are the steps to do it yourself
1. download war3modeleditor (from here)
2. open it, if you cant download any of the required files (putting the .dll in the system32 folder)
3. go to windows/mpqbrowser, and then file/open then war3.mpq
4. since you are trying to save space, id sugest using the low res one (otherwise skip the red stop skipping)
5. near the bottom of the list just populated should be a file war3_low.mpq
6. right click and export this file somewhere (desktop)
7. now go back to the mpq browser/ go to file/open (find the file you just exported)
Stop Skipping
8. find peon.mdx in units/orc/peon/peon.mdx
9. you should now see the blademaster in the war3modeleditor window
10. from that window go to window/sequencemanager
11. find the anims you want to remove then find their animation frames (to: and from
save those in notepad or whatever
12. next we go to window/nodemanager
13. you should see a buncha blue 'bones' and white circles with blue eyes
14. right click, edit node
15 see the part where it says translations, rotations, and scaling
16. go through each of those sections (on every bone) on each bone, set the Interpolation Type's to linear (this isnt removing the animations but its far mor effective at reducing filesize)
17. now view your notepad file, and remove any 'frames' that fall between the "from: " and "to: " of every animation you want to remove.
The part below in red, is the frame(s) run time (the time that piece of the animation is 'ran') (this is an example, not any actual animation
2333: { 0, 0.254602, 0, -0.967046 }
3433: { 0.0668134, -0.472977, 0.0590548, 0.876551 }
4767: { 0.108042, -0.456621, -0.00944581, 0.883026 }
5867: { 0, 0.254602, 0, -0.967046 }
after your done with this, go back to the sequence manager, and remove all the sequences you removed the frames for (via right click/remove)
then go to save, save where-ever, import, and enjoy
If you have any questions ill be happy to help, but im not gonna do it for you
expect it to take about 20 mins since its your first time, and maybe 10! mins on other models