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Reforged Model Requests: that might generally be helpful anyways

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Level 4
Aug 17, 2014
I am currently working on an rpg and I think it's funky seeing some some of the SD models next to HD environments. I think some of these models edits would be useful models to have in general for the HIVE. Some of these models I think are just edits while others seem to me that they would have to be custom made. I genuinely have no idea as to how difficult it is to edit or create this models so I will be pleased with whatever can be made. If it is easiest to make edits and add existing model weapons and items from one unit to another than that is best.

- The Orc Slave Master Reforged model, but unmounted. (I really just need an Orc Warrior with a shield not sure why they are so hard to find)

- Drek'thar Reforged Unmounted.

- Troll Warrior that is a Shield bearer Reforged. (Could possibly be a Forest Troll Warlord with a shield instead of dual axes and some different animations)

- Troll Archer Reforged. (Could be spear thrower edited with a bow from an archer or whatever)

- Human Archer Reforged. (Would be cool if it was bandit Assassin model edited with a bow to give it that medieval aethetic)

- Antonidus/Tidemancer/Dark Wizard/ Reforged Unmounted. (Honestly... wish I can have all the wizard models unmounted literally only have like 2)
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Level 4
Aug 17, 2014
If anyone is still willing to do any of these please do so. I still think they would be very helpful all around. There aren't any Orc or Troll models with shields at least in reforged anyways or a troll archer either.
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