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Level 4
Jul 4, 2007
I have alot tasks in the object editor that I need done, so I'm recruiting someone experienced with the object editor. I need the most help with creating heros and all thier abilities which I want to have good tooltips and to be balanced.

I want the project to have alot of creativity invovled in the making of it, and I'm always open to cool concepts to add into the game.

Heres information on the map.
Level 4
Jul 4, 2007
Why should me being new to the forums even have relevance. I told you the concepts in the map, I told you what I need help on, and I told you my approach to working on the map, what more do you need to know?

And to be frank, I would rather you not help with the map, since a big part that I need help on is making good tooltips, and you can't even spell "posts" correctly, or use proper grammer.

I'll post a screenshot soon, but it wont show that much about the map.
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