[Need Info] Random objectives, different each game?

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Level 2
Jan 21, 2015
I'm making a survival map where there are optional objectives to gain your hero extra XP and credits to unlock stuff, but there are multiple secondary objectives, I want like a trigger to randomly choose one or two you can do per game and not the other ones, but the next time you play you could (possibly, if chosen) do the other ones. I also want it so that each one has a random chance, so yes, sometimes you may get one or two of the same objectives as the last time you played it, but maybe a different second optional objective. I feel like this is like really easy and just staring me in the face cause I'm stupid or something, but how would I do this?
Level 2
Feb 2, 2015
Make use of the Random Integer math function.

Something like this should work:
  • Actions
    • Variable - Set Objective[0] = (Random integer between 0 and 4)
    • Variable - Set Objective[1] = ((Objective[0] + (Random integer between 1 and 4)) mod 5)
    • General - For each integer i from 0 to 1 with increment 1, do (Actions)
      • Actions
        • General - Switch (Actions) depending on Objective[i]
          • Cases
            • General - If (0)
              • Actions
                • Initialize Objective 0()
            • General - If (1)
              • Actions
                • Initialize Objective 1()
            • General - If (2)
              • Actions
                • Initialize Objective 2()
            • General - If (3)
              • Actions
                • Initialize Objective 3()
            • General - If (4)
              • Actions
                • Initialize Objective 4()
          • Default
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