Quasi-Theorycraft: The New gear

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Level 6
Sep 30, 2011
I figured I'm tired of looking back and forth between different threads to find this information, so I'd compile it all here, and put it out for discussion.

Basically, I'm discussing the 11 new items from the Shade. I'm going to skip over the Glacier Staff, as it's unique to its own right and.... doesn't really fit into a comparative analysis discussion.

The others, however:
Duelist's Rapier (Thief-sword): Ap:+17 Aspd:+15% Arp:+7

Compare this to, say, Fury or Phoenix:

Fury (Thief-dagger): Ap +15, Aspd +25%, Agi +3 ,Crit +3%
The Phoenix (Sword): Ap +17 , Fire damage 7,85% / 145,4% , HP +50 , Evasion +4%

Basically, +2 damage and +7 Armor Piercing for -10% Attack Speed, -3 Agi, and -3% Crit, or tossing out fire damage, HP and Evasion for Attackspeed, and armor Piercing. Either way, I personally don't care for it.

Inscribed Skull (Necro): Sp:+10 *Increases maximum numbers of skeletons by 1.


Human Skull (Necro) Crit +5% ,HP +50 ,SP +8 ,Useable : Increases attack speed of minions

Seems worthwhile. The bonus attack speed didn't do much, and so you basically forego 50 HP and 5% Crit for 2 SP (more consistent damage than the Crit gives), and an extra minion (theoretically, should help tank).

Axe of the Tribe Lord (Axe): Ar:+5 Ap:+10 Int:+5 Arp:+4 Ev:+2%


Blacksmith's Revenge (Sword): AP:+15 Str:+3 Agi+2 Crit+2%
The Phoenix (Sword): Ap +17 , Fire damage 7,85% / 145,4% , HP +50 , Evasion +4%

For Zerker, definetely not. But for Crusader, who now has Celestial Zeal (+1 damage per Int, and +20% of Spellpower in Divine Damage), you'd get 10 + 5 + 1 = 16 damage (net gain of 1 over Blacksmith's, -1 from Phoenix). Very comparable. Additionally, it gives Armor, which is absolutely great (5 armor helps a lot more than 50 HP, versus lots of hard-hitting foes. If everything is dealing less damage than you have armor, or just has lots of ArP, it's not such a great trade), Armor Piercing, which helps with damage output, and 2% evasion (2% less than Phoenix, 2% more than Blacksmith's). You effectively drop damage with normal attacks with this axe, as Blacksmith's would give you +3 from Strength and casts from Phoenix (averaging to 11.75 bonus damage a swing), but it also helps your Crucify.

Overall, it's a personal choice. I wouldn't throw Phoenix away entirely in exchange, but it's a great item for most intents and purposes.

Vestment of the Ten Ravens (Cloth armor): Ar:+5 Agi:+4 Ap:+4 Arp:+4 Crit:+5%

Obviously made for a Monk, not a caster, so for comparison:

Robe of Swiftness (Cloth Armor): AR +10 ,EV +5% ,Agi +3 ,Int +1 ,HP +50

-5 Armor, -50 HP, -5% Evasion, and -1 Int gets you +1 Agi, +4 damage, +4 Armor Piercing and +4% Crit. Effectively +5 damage, a tiny potential for +1 more Armor (not negating the -5 lost), and overall destroying your survivability. If you like being a little more lethal, it's better. But when you deal more damage, you face more threat, which means you have to be able to survive. This reduces your capacity to survive. Not worth it, IMO.

Mana Criclet (Cloth Helm): Mp:+30 Ar:+5 Sp:+6 Usable:recovers 45 mana


Ghostly Hat (Cloth Helm): AR +4 ,Crit +4% ,HP +25 ,SP +5 ,Int +4

Lose out on Crit, HP, and 3 SP in exchange for +1 armor, +30 Mana, and a usable mana-recovery (which can be removed during CD). Not a switch out I'd make, but I'd keep one of these in the backpack for emergencies.

The Priest's Ragalia (Cleric-only armor): Hp:+75 Ar:+5 Sp:+11 Int:+4


Tunic of the Saints (Cloth Armor): AR +8 ,Crit +3 ,SP +7 ,Int +3 ,HP +35
Lunar Mantle (Cloth Armor): Armor +10,Chance to Crit +4% ,Spell Power +10 ,Int +6 ,Life +50

Well, it gives more HP, that's for sure (perhaps making up for the aforementioned Circlet?), but is 1 SP short compared to Lunar, as well as 5 Armor and Crit. However, it's +5 SP on Saints.
Overall, I'd say it outdoes Saints, but isn't up to Legendary standards.

Wristguards of the Grove (Leather accessory): Hp:+10 Mp:+30 Ar:+2 Sp:+6 Int:+4 Arp:+4

Since it'll be either a Bard or Druid item, and Bards currently have no benefit for Int/SP.... We'll compare to the Druid standard:

Arcane Seal (Accessory): MP +25 ,Int +4,HP +25,SP +4

+2 Armor, +6 SP, +5 Mana and +4 Arp in return for -15 HP. If you can afford the minor loss, it's a definite Druid keepsake.

Ravager's Hauberk (Mail armor): Ar:+14 Str:+8 Agi:+3 Crit:+6%


Breastplate of the Beast (Mail [Chest]): AR +20 ,EV +3 ,Str +4 ,HP +50
Eternal Embrace (Mail armor): AR +27, EV +3, AllR +10%, HP +50

For Crusaders, definitely not. Dropping armor by 6/13 just for some more damage output on normal attacks is suicide. For Berzerkers, it's clearly a better DPS outfit than Beast (+4 damage, +3 Agi for attack speed, and +lots of Crit chance). It's also much better suited for damage than Embrace. For those of you who keep a Beast in the backpack, replace it with the Hauberk. Or put your Embrace in there, and wear the Hauberk. Both have their purposes, but it's a definite keeper.

Recipe: Coat of the Stalker (Leather Armor): Ar:+7 Agi:+3 Ap:+4 Arp:+6


Tidewalker Hide (Leather [Chest]) AR +10 ,Crit +6% ,Agi +4 ,HP +35

Let's see: +4 Damage, and +6 Armor Piercing, in exchange for -3 Armor, -6% Crit, -1 Agi, and -35 HP. Given that the Agi is a point of damage, it's basically +3 Damage/+6 ArP to lose out on survivability and Crit (and thieves love their crits, as do Hunters). Factor in the expensive recipe, and it's not a keeper at this time.

Recipe: Black Defender (Shield Misc): Ar:+14 Int:+6


Bulwark of the Crusade (Misc-Shield): AR +8 ,EV +4% ,Str +2 ,All Resistance +5% ,HP +50

Given that any self-respecting Zerker will use a Two-handed weapon, this is a Crusader option. +6 Armor (nice!) and +6 Int in exchange for -4% Evasion, -2 Strength, -50 HP and -5% Resistance.
Resistance is very specific (fighting mages and some bosses), and it's minor, so it's not a deciding factor. +6 Int will give +6 Damage with Zeal, along with +1.2 SP damage, so +7.2 damage, but you lose 2 strength, so a net +5.2 damage. 50 HP Loss is significant, but you get +6 Armor, which is usually more effective (except versus spells and Armor piercing). Overall, very worthwhile, though expensive, especially if you're going the casting route.

And lastly, 1 note of change, since Celestial Zeal came out.... For Crusaders, their accessory:

Arcane Seal (Accessory): MP +25 ,Int +4,HP +25,SP +4

Rather than:

Ring of Shielding (Accessory): AR +4 ,EV +4 ,Agi +3 ,HP +35
Searing Gloves (Mail Accessory): +25 HP, +4 Ar, +20% FR, 25% Chance of 10 Fire dmg
Handguards Of Striking (Mail Accessory): AR +2 ,AP +4 ,Crit +4% ,HP +25

In terms of survivability, you're out 2-4 Armor, regardless. You're also either out -10, or 0 HP. However, RoS gives no damage output (beyond a little faster attack speed), whereas Searing gives an average of +2.5 damage. With Striking, you're out 4 damage and 4% Crit. With Celestial Zeal, you'd get +4 damage for Int, and +1.6 damage from SP per hit, for an average of +5.6 damage (+3.1 over Searing), in addition to Mana for your spells. Depending on how much survivability you gained or forfeit with the other item changes, this may be a viable and worthwhile item. You lose out a little Crit from Striking, but if you're Int-based rather than Strength, you're still looking at a limited gain from Crits (Str/250 = 1% bonus crit damage per 2.5 Strength gained). Overall, if you're building for Int, it seems worthwhile. If you're not, then obviously it isn't.
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Level 4
Jul 29, 2010
Btw thanks landerz for this post. It makes surely easier for ppl to see what to choose. Even I use it :D
Level 8
May 6, 2010
For me, choice is deadly obvious...

why every try to make it "difficoult WoW wannabe"

it's not that complicated and perhaps only in 1.2 there will something like greater tactic in picking spells to active spellbook (for pvp and pve)
Level 6
Sep 30, 2011
compare it to arcane seal, it will grant more dmg i bet on autoattacks.

Okay. I can do that.

LanderZ said:
Arcane Seal (Accessory): MP +25 ,Int +4,HP +25,SP +4

Rather than:

Ring of Shielding (Accessory): AR +4 ,EV +4 ,Agi +3 ,HP +35
Searing Gloves (Mail Accessory): +25 HP, +4 Ar, +20% FR, 25% Chance of 10 Fire dmg
Handguards Of Striking (Mail Accessory): AR +2 ,AP +4 ,Crit +4% ,HP +25

In terms of survivability, you're out 2-4 Armor, regardless. You're also either out -10, or 0 HP. However, RoS gives no damage output (beyond a little faster attack speed), whereas Searing gives an average of +2.5 damage. With Striking, you're out 4 damage and 4% Crit. With Celestial Zeal, you'd get +4 damage for Int, and +1.6 damage from SP per hit, for an average of +5.6 damage (+3.1 over Searing), in addition to Mana for your spells. Depending on how much survivability you gained or forfeit with the other item changes, this may be a viable and worthwhile item. You lose out a little Crit from Striking, but if you're Int-based rather than Strength, you're still looking at a limited gain from Crits (Str/250 = 1% bonus crit damage per 2.5 Strength gained). Overall, if you're building for Int, it seems worthwhile. If you're not, then obviously it isn't.
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