The other post was a little cluttered, so I figured I'd just put it in a new post and never need to be edited or added to again!
This is a compilation of any and all Dungeon 3 drops (And their related stats), compiled by myself, Reconcile, and Rabbitscott.
A = Attack
Agi = Agility
AP = Attack Power
ArP = Armour Penetration
AR = Armour
AS = Attack Speed
Crit = Critical Chance (%)
EV = Evasion (%)
FR = Fire Resistance
HP = Health Points (Life)
Int = Intelligence
SP = Spell Power
Str = Strength
Lieutenant -
Light Helmet (Leather [Helmet])
AR +5 ,AP +4 ,Crit +4% ,HP +35
Breastplate of the Beast (Mail [Chest])
AR +20 ,EV +3 ,Str +4 ,HP +50
Sharpshooter (Bow [Weapon])
A +15 ,AP +7 ,Crit +5% ,Agi +3
Brutal Edge (2h Axe [Weapon])
A +30 ,Crit +3% ,AP +7 ,Spalsh Damage 50%/70(Range)
Ring of Shielding (Accessory [Mail])
AR +4 ,EV +4 ,Agi +3 ,HP +35
Swampland Bark Totem (Misc-Totem [Druid])
Mana +40 ,Agi +3 ,Int +4 , SP +8 ,ArP +6
Leaf Coat (Leather [Chest])
AR +8 ,SP +6 ,HP +25 ,Int Agi +2
Drums Of War Chant (Misc-Instrument [Bard])
Agi +3 ,Int +3 ,Aura AS +7%
Robes of Fire Protection (Cloth [Chest])
AR +4 ,SP +5 ,HP +35 ,FR +35
Succubus -
Head of the Vampiress (Misc-Trophy [Beserker])
HP +50,Str +3, Agi +3 ,Crit +8% ,AP +6
Ghostly Hat (Cloth [Head])
AR +4 ,Crit +4% ,HP +25 ,SP +5
Bulwark of the Crusade (Misc-Shield [Squire])
AR +8 ,EV +4% ,Str +2 ,All Resistance +5% ,HP +50
Bloodbath (Misc-Offhand [Assassin])
AS +15% ,A +6 ,Crit +3% ,Agi +3
Bandana Of The Sun Lord (Cloth [Head])
AR +7 ,A +4 ,EV +3% ,HP +50 ,Int +2
Venomous Keeper (Bow [Weapon])
A +15 ,Poison Damage +15/35% ,SP +5 ,Int +3 ,Agi +2
Tunic of the Saints (Cloth [Chest])
AR +8 ,Crit +3 ,SP +7 ,Int +3 ,HP +35
Impressive Gloves (Accessory [Leather])
AR +1 ,A +5 ,AP +5 ,HP +35
Harness of Fire Protection (Mail [Chest])
AR +10 ,HP +50 ,FR +35 ,AP +5
Lord Androzaar -
Mana Crystal
Sparkling Urn
Lunar Mantle (Cloth [Chest])
Armor +10,Chance to Crit +4% ,Spell Power +10 ,Int +6 ,Life +50
Fury (Weapon [Thief])
AS +25% ,A +15 ,Agi +3 ,Crit +3%
Tidewalker Hide (Leather [Chest])
AR +10 ,Crit +6% ,Agi +4 ,HP +35
Reinforced Helmet (Mail [Head])
AR +8 ,AP +4 ,HP +50 ,EV +4%
The Commandments (Misc-Book [Bishop])
Mana Rerageration +15% ,MP +40 ,Int +4 ,SP +4
Robe of Swiftness (Cloth [Chest])
AR +10 ,EV +5% ,Agi +3 ,Int +1 ,HP +50
Small Vault (Misc-Relic [Monk])
AS +25% ,AP +4 ,HP +35 ,Agi +3
Druid's Headguard (Leather [Head])
AR +7 ,SP +5 ,HP +25 ,Int +3 ,AP +3
Handguards Of Striking (Accessory [Mail])
AR +2 ,A +4 ,Crit +4% ,HP +25
Vest of Fire Protection (Leather [Chest])
AR +7 ,FR +35 ,HP+35 ,AP+5
Fire Lord -
Mana Crystal
Yarr Be Pirate! (Leather [Helmet])
Armor +8 ,Chance to Crit +5% ,Attack +7 ,Life +35
The Phoenix (1h Sword [Weapon])
Attack +17 ,Fire damage 7,85% / 145,4% ,Life +50 ,Evasion +4%
Poltrooney (Accessory [Ring])
AR +3 ,Attack +8 ,Life +50 ,Chance on hit -150 Threat / 25%
The Burning Heart (Misc-Gem [Sorcerer])
MP +75 ,AR +4 ,SP +3 ,Crit +3% ,Int +4
Arcane Seal (Accessory [Cloth])
MP +40 ,Int +4,HP +25,SP +4
Human Skull (Misc-Skull [Necromancer])
Crit +5% ,HP +50 ,SP +8 ,Useable : Increases attack speed of minions
Piercing Arrows (Misc-Quiver [Hunter])
MP +25 ,Crit +5% ,AP +6
The White Scepter (Staff [Weapon])
Int +6 ,SP +9 ,HP MP +25 ,Crit +3%
Impressive Gloves (Accessory [Leather])
AR +1 ,A +5 ,AP +5 ,HP +35
Enchanted Fire Rune (Weapon [Monk])
A +12 ,EV+5 ,Agi Int Str +2 ,Fire Damage 12 /75%
This is a compilation of any and all Dungeon 3 drops (And their related stats), compiled by myself, Reconcile, and Rabbitscott.
A = Attack
Agi = Agility
AP = Attack Power
ArP = Armour Penetration
AR = Armour
AS = Attack Speed
Crit = Critical Chance (%)
EV = Evasion (%)
FR = Fire Resistance
HP = Health Points (Life)
Int = Intelligence
SP = Spell Power
Str = Strength
Lieutenant -
Light Helmet (Leather [Helmet])
AR +5 ,AP +4 ,Crit +4% ,HP +35
Breastplate of the Beast (Mail [Chest])
AR +20 ,EV +3 ,Str +4 ,HP +50
Sharpshooter (Bow [Weapon])
A +15 ,AP +7 ,Crit +5% ,Agi +3
Brutal Edge (2h Axe [Weapon])
A +30 ,Crit +3% ,AP +7 ,Spalsh Damage 50%/70(Range)
Ring of Shielding (Accessory [Mail])
AR +4 ,EV +4 ,Agi +3 ,HP +35
Swampland Bark Totem (Misc-Totem [Druid])
Mana +40 ,Agi +3 ,Int +4 , SP +8 ,ArP +6
Leaf Coat (Leather [Chest])
AR +8 ,SP +6 ,HP +25 ,Int Agi +2
Drums Of War Chant (Misc-Instrument [Bard])
Agi +3 ,Int +3 ,Aura AS +7%
Robes of Fire Protection (Cloth [Chest])
AR +4 ,SP +5 ,HP +35 ,FR +35
Succubus -
Head of the Vampiress (Misc-Trophy [Beserker])
HP +50,Str +3, Agi +3 ,Crit +8% ,AP +6
Ghostly Hat (Cloth [Head])
AR +4 ,Crit +4% ,HP +25 ,SP +5
Bulwark of the Crusade (Misc-Shield [Squire])
AR +8 ,EV +4% ,Str +2 ,All Resistance +5% ,HP +50
Bloodbath (Misc-Offhand [Assassin])
AS +15% ,A +6 ,Crit +3% ,Agi +3
Bandana Of The Sun Lord (Cloth [Head])
AR +7 ,A +4 ,EV +3% ,HP +50 ,Int +2
Venomous Keeper (Bow [Weapon])
A +15 ,Poison Damage +15/35% ,SP +5 ,Int +3 ,Agi +2
Tunic of the Saints (Cloth [Chest])
AR +8 ,Crit +3 ,SP +7 ,Int +3 ,HP +35
Impressive Gloves (Accessory [Leather])
AR +1 ,A +5 ,AP +5 ,HP +35
Harness of Fire Protection (Mail [Chest])
AR +10 ,HP +50 ,FR +35 ,AP +5
Lord Androzaar -
Mana Crystal
Sparkling Urn
Lunar Mantle (Cloth [Chest])
Armor +10,Chance to Crit +4% ,Spell Power +10 ,Int +6 ,Life +50
Fury (Weapon [Thief])
AS +25% ,A +15 ,Agi +3 ,Crit +3%
Tidewalker Hide (Leather [Chest])
AR +10 ,Crit +6% ,Agi +4 ,HP +35
Reinforced Helmet (Mail [Head])
AR +8 ,AP +4 ,HP +50 ,EV +4%
The Commandments (Misc-Book [Bishop])
Mana Rerageration +15% ,MP +40 ,Int +4 ,SP +4
Robe of Swiftness (Cloth [Chest])
AR +10 ,EV +5% ,Agi +3 ,Int +1 ,HP +50
Small Vault (Misc-Relic [Monk])
AS +25% ,AP +4 ,HP +35 ,Agi +3
Druid's Headguard (Leather [Head])
AR +7 ,SP +5 ,HP +25 ,Int +3 ,AP +3
Handguards Of Striking (Accessory [Mail])
AR +2 ,A +4 ,Crit +4% ,HP +25
Vest of Fire Protection (Leather [Chest])
AR +7 ,FR +35 ,HP+35 ,AP+5
Fire Lord -
Mana Crystal
Yarr Be Pirate! (Leather [Helmet])
Armor +8 ,Chance to Crit +5% ,Attack +7 ,Life +35
The Phoenix (1h Sword [Weapon])
Attack +17 ,Fire damage 7,85% / 145,4% ,Life +50 ,Evasion +4%
Poltrooney (Accessory [Ring])
AR +3 ,Attack +8 ,Life +50 ,Chance on hit -150 Threat / 25%
The Burning Heart (Misc-Gem [Sorcerer])
MP +75 ,AR +4 ,SP +3 ,Crit +3% ,Int +4
Arcane Seal (Accessory [Cloth])
MP +40 ,Int +4,HP +25,SP +4
Human Skull (Misc-Skull [Necromancer])
Crit +5% ,HP +50 ,SP +8 ,Useable : Increases attack speed of minions
Piercing Arrows (Misc-Quiver [Hunter])
MP +25 ,Crit +5% ,AP +6
The White Scepter (Staff [Weapon])
Int +6 ,SP +9 ,HP MP +25 ,Crit +3%
Impressive Gloves (Accessory [Leather])
AR +1 ,A +5 ,AP +5 ,HP +35
Enchanted Fire Rune (Weapon [Monk])
A +12 ,EV+5 ,Agi Int Str +2 ,Fire Damage 12 /75%
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