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Please Help ! Out of the Blue Map DESYNCS ?!

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Level 5
Feb 1, 2009
up until yesterday everything was running fine suddenly there are player desyncs the past 5 games I have been hosting with my map.

- I have not declared any getLocal() functions which I know may cause desyncs

I dont know what can be the problem ? seriously it's at the point where it seems hopeless because the map content is so much (models, triggers) that its impossible to pinpoint the problem and I feel like this is the end of mapmaking for me.
Level 7
Mar 6, 2006
Firstly, models won't cause a desync. You're just going to be looking at triggers.

Did you use any GetLocalPlayer() calls at all? I'm just asking because you said "which I know may cause desyncs ".

There's also a bunch of BJ's that use GetLocalPlayer(), and a few that should never be used, like a camera one or somethin. I can't remember the important ones, maybe someone else will post them.

Last thing I can say is, if you have multiple replays of people with a desync, you could save yourself a LOT of time by finding patterns in when they desync. Also, if you have a replay of YOU desync'ing, you could use something like Dota Replay Manager to check your very last actions before the desync happened. It should be within the same second at the desync.
Level 5
Feb 1, 2009
I doubt anyone wants to look at my map which has over 100 triggers right now... there is literally no GetLocalPlayer() being called, or the other desync-prone function which I forgot the name of at this moment..
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Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
If they desynchronize at start, chances are they have played a session of a different map that was wigitized before the current session. As wigitizer damages object editor data until WC3 is restarted it causes them to desynchronize as objects on their client interact differently.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Desynchronizations are often caused by anything that generates terrain deformations. Even standard WC3 abilities of Shockwave and War Stomp will cause a split between Windows and Mac clients or even clients with different in-game visual settings. Especially if any system used GetLocationZ since those values will be highly dependant on the deformation results (which are not deterministic in the cases mentioned above). Trigger generated deformations are by far the worse cause of this sort of desynchronization, although default abilities are not to be under-estimated.

GetLocationZ will also cause a desynchronization if performed on a walkable animated destructible and used to do something that alters game state. This is because the animation of the destructible is not deterministic and will produce different height measurements between clients depending on what they are viewing.
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