Tanks for your help everybody :evil: but I figured it out myself.
For those who get in the same situation:
> use 'Credits' loading screen for the campaign background.
> get 'Image Extractor II' and find the files:
- Credits-Loading-BotLeft.blp
- Credits-Loading-BotRight.blp
- Credits-Loading-TopLeft.blp
- Credits-Loading-TopRight.blp
> convert to tga
> change each image to what you like
> convert back to blp
> import to ( :!: )'Campaign Editor'(not import manager)
> change the paths to:
- 'UI\Glues\Loading\Backgrounds\Load-Credits\Credits-Loading-BotLeft.blp'
- 'UI\Glues\Loading\Backgrounds\Load-Credits\Credits-Loading-BotRight.blp'
- 'UI\Glues\Loading\Backgrounds\Load-Credits\Credits-Loading-TopLeft.blp'
- 'UI\Glues\Loading\Backgrounds\Load-Credits\Credits-Loading-TopRight.blp'
Do the same for other in-game loading screens if you need.
Isn't that precious information.