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- Jul 19, 2010
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Inventory Slot Tooltip
For each (Integer GenericLoopCount) from 1 to MaxAllSlotTypes, do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
Set SlotOfPlayer = ((TriggeringPlayer x MaxAllSlotTypes) + GenericLoopCount)
Set RandomLocation[1] = (Mouse Position for Triggered Mouse Event)
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
(BackpackRegion[GenericLoopCount] contains RandomLocation[1]) Equal to True
Then - Actions
Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_RandomLocation[1])
Special Effect - Play Special Effect: xxxTheTestEffect, Animation: Stand
Set RandomLocation[1] = (Center of BackpackRegion[GenericLoopCount])
Special Effect - Set Position of xxxTheTestEffect to x: (X of RandomLocation[1]), y: (Y of RandomLocation[1]), z: 11.00
Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_RandomLocation[1])
If (LocalPlayerN Equal to TriggeringPlayer) then do (Floating Text - Change text of TooltipText to (InvItemName[SlotOfPlayer] + (|n + InvObjDescriptor[SlotOfPlayer])) using font size 7.00) else do (Do nothing)
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
(Hero[TriggeringPlayer] has buff Merchant Buff ) Equal to True
InvItemValue[SlotOfPlayer] Not equal to 0
Then - Actions
Floating Text - Change text of TooltipValue to ((|c00E1E100 + (String((Integer(((Real((Max(InvItemValue[SlotOfPlayer], (InvItemValue[SlotOfPlayer] x InvItemQuantity[SlotOfPlayer]))))) x PlayerSellRatio[TriggeringPlayer])))))) + g|r) using font size 7.00
Else - Actions
Floating Text - Change text of TooltipValue to using font size 7.00
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
InvItemQuantity[SlotOfPlayer] Less than or equal to 0
Then - Actions
If (LocalPlayerN Equal to TriggeringPlayer) then do (Floating Text - Change text of TooltipText to (InvItemName[SlotOfPlayer] + (|n + InvObjDescriptor[SlotOfPlayer])) using font size 7.00) else do (Do nothing)
Else - Actions
If (LocalPlayerN Equal to TriggeringPlayer) then do (Floating Text - Change text of TooltipText to (InvItemName[SlotOfPlayer] + (( ( + ((String(InvItemQuantity[SlotOfPlayer])) + )|n)) + InvObjDescriptor[SlotOfPlayer])) using font size 7.00) else do (Do nothing)
Floating Text - Show TooltipText for (Player group((Player(TriggeringPlayer))))
Floating Text - Show TooltipValue for (Player group((Player(TriggeringPlayer))))
Set GenericLoopCount = MaxAllSlotTypes
Else - Actions
Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_RandomLocation[1])
Special Effect - Play Special Effect: xxxTheTestEffect, Animation: Death
Floating Text - Hide TooltipText for (Player group((Player(TriggeringPlayer))))
Floating Text - Hide TooltipValue for (Player group((Player(TriggeringPlayer))))