Passive "Howl Of Terror" ?

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Level 9
Apr 28, 2009
How can i make the "Howl Of Terror" (Pitlord) ability be a passive ability?

For exaple..all units in the range of the unit with this ability will be affected (not alies too, of course)

The ability will only come by an item (item ability)
Level 7
Nov 13, 2006
Well depends when do you want the unit to cast it.

First create a dummy and give him your howl of terror.
Then create an item that you want (doesnt matter that much).

Now comes the trigger:

  • Events
  • Unit - A unit Is attacked
  • Conditions
  • yourvar Equal to (Random integer number between 1 and 20)
  • (Item-type of (Item carried by (Attacked unit) in slot (Random integer number between 1 and 6))) Equal to youritemhere
  • Actions
  • Unit - Create 1 dummy for (Owner of (Attacked unit)) at (Position of (Attacked unit)) facing Default building facing degrees
  • Unit - Order (Last created unit) to Neutral Pit Lord - Howl Of Terror
i didn't test it but its sure to work
Level 9
Apr 28, 2009
isn't there any way to do this in object editor, because it's not just a unit that will have this ability....there are at least 30 and i guess making this with a dummy will result in lag.

and what "yourvar" is used for? ("yourvar Equal to (Random integer number between 1 and 20)"
Level 18
Mar 13, 2009
Isn't howl of terror the armor decrease effect?
Then I would say that you have to do this:

Base the spell of Devotion Aura.
Set all targets allowed to enemy units.
Hold Shift before you click the armor increase value and give it something like -3

I did this myself once for a damage aura based on unholy aura targeting enemy units with a negative heal effect (damaging them).
Sorry if I am wrong, but I never use the Pit Lord in game ;P
Level 7
Nov 13, 2006
isn't there any way to do this in object editor, because it's not just a unit that will have this ability....there are at least 30 and i guess making this with a dummy will result in lag.

and what "yourvar" is used for? ("yourvar Equal to (Random integer number between 1 and 20)"

yourvar condition is the chance for howl of terror to be cast, you can modify that to fit your needs and set how often its cast

and no there is no way to do it in object editor

The aura is no good because if he wants periodic armor decrease not permanent ...
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