
This bundle is marked as awaiting update. A staff member has requested changes to it before it can be approved.
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Human Paladin Hero

Paladin (Model)

Not bad for a first HD model and good job integrating the portrait to the model proper, but please remove the LODs, and zoom out the portrait camera. AWAITING UPDATE until it's resolved. For HIGH QUALITY: give him Spell Slam, Attack Slam, and Attack...


HD Model Reviewer
Level 34
Jun 22, 2013
Not bad for a first HD model and good job integrating the portrait to the model proper, but please remove the LODs, and zoom out the portrait camera. AWAITING UPDATE until it's resolved.

For HIGH QUALITY: give him Spell Slam, Attack Slam, and Attack Walk Slam animations; then move the sparkling light popcorn to his sword disk.
Level 3
Oct 16, 2024
Man, this is so good!!!
Can you make a blood/high elf paladin next? I was thinking that building something on top of Thalorien Dawnseeker's model would be cool, like using the animations he already has (or using the fixed model that someone uploaded to the Hive), and then change the armor. Or something like that. It's just an idea. I'd love to delve into that myself but I have 0 knowledge on modeling. Anyway, sorry for the yapping and again, Loved your model.
Edit: Tested it. While doing the animation of "attack 1", the weapon fades out and it looks really weird. For the rest it's okay.
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