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Onimusha Game series models

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Level 2
Jan 1, 2008
Greetings everybody....Time has come to look for a decent and willing modeler to grant me models from Onimusha game series...I have made fairly big campaign based on the Onimusha 1,2,3 games for PS2...if there is anyone capable or willing to make me few models to make my campaign great that would be great..you can contact me by PM here or on my MSN([email protected])

Samanosuke Akechi(true onimusha form)---

Genma Samonji(weapon,sword)--

Model creator will be credited in my map as will be Black_Stan and The Last Istari for their great contribution to my map:)
Level 2
Jan 1, 2008

Lord_T i have sent you pm...fairly big i hope i explained it well....check it out and reply when you get the chance :)
Level 2
Jan 1, 2008

Well im pretty sure i will finish it...one way or the other....dont be so pesimistic Frank:p If Lord_T or any1 else makes the model,then map is rdy for upload here :)
Level 4
Jul 27, 2007
Hrm..not sure how this is rule breaking..besides the annoying "pls" 2 seconds later "pls". And even then, I'm not sure if that requires a "LERN2RULES" thing.

As fer your model..I sadly cannot model. I will however look around.
I have played all of the onimusha games, but I can't remember too much about them, other thn you get elemental weapons that you can upgrade and you can like absorb evil dude's souls through this gauntlet on your arm that has an eye. can make an attempt at it if you provide pictures of the characters you want, but they won't look exactly like the ones in the onimusha game (I suck at doing faces), but I can make a rough model.

Also, post some screen shots of your map, even though you don't have the models for it, just use Wc in game models as stand ins.
Level 2
Jan 1, 2008
oni model

Here you go Deep Sea Kraken....open zip and you will find pictures...they are low res,because i didnt found them on net but i took picture...(no damn pics on net)..basically its Demon Warrior with Long white hair,dark greenish skin,glowing red eyes and is very strong..its also has big blue sword...here is also video on youtube,pls look at it let me know are you up to do it...cuz i know its shit hard since it has to be new model.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SwtCndqo1ac ((Onimusha Warlords Ending Sequence English Version))..let me know asap :) cheers


  • Onimusha model(low res).zip
    1.3 MB · Views: 103
Level 2
Jan 1, 2008

i forgot to put some pics of map...anyways i have custom import models (most of them by Black_Stan) samurai warriors etc...i can send it to you later to test it...and ofc if you make model you will be credited.
Oni, if you forget to post anything, there is an edit buton for a reason ><

*EDIT*: People dont like double posters, and instead of posting links to images, upload them onto www.imageshack.com and post the
code, I'll post a quick little thing on how to do it when I get the chance.
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