Did you every played on SNES, N64, Wii, Game Boy, or Project64? An did u ever played in the Warcraft 3 or Defend od the Ancients? What will you do, if somebody combine these games? I will tell you: Play on Nintendota 4.03! This game is an Aeon of Strife game, which means u choose 1 hero, and with the help of the creeps, destroy the enemy creeps, and the enemy's base (in this game Dark Matter and Toadstool Castle)
In this game aviliable 24 characters: Super Mario, Luigi, Sonic, Samus Aran, Ness, Yoshi, Donkey Kong, Kirby, Zero, Pikachu, Master Chief, Raichu (evolve from Pikachu), Young Link, Tartarus, Shadow, Copy X, Shadow Mario, Ganondorf, Bowser, King Dedede, Kamek, Gengar, Beedrill, and finally but not in a last row Ridley.
In the future, will aviliable very much characters, like Megaman, Cloud Strife, the yellow and the green tanks from the Battle City, Pit, Captain Olymargh, Doctor Mario as a new character, Meta Knight, Fox McCloud, Jigglypuff, Link, Mew, Banjo and Kazooie, Wolf O'Donnel, Mewtwo, Gruntilda, etc.
Also there are will be more recipes, and items (now only 1 recipe, and 63 items, sorry), and multiboard, and the top it all: 2 secret character, with GODLIKE SPELLS
Well......Good Luck, Have Fun, and enjoy the Warcraft 3 in Nintendo Style!
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This is the 5th upload, because the moderators always deleted or rejected the oldest versions
wii, nintendo, snes, mario, luigi, dreamland, sonic, halo, megaman, link, zelda, metroid