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This skin may also be written to the Night elf runner (and subsequently the spirit of vengeance) via:

And this is my last watcher skin I'm uploading to this site I swear. (yes I uploaded this after my high elf variation).

Night, Elf, Runner, Sentry, Watcher, Sentinel, Huntress, Warrior, 67chrome

NightElfSentinel.blp (Texture)

11:01, 10th Jul 2010 Dentothor: THIS is incredible. one of your best watcher skins yet.




11:01, 10th Jul 2010
Dentothor: THIS is incredible. one of your best watcher skins yet.
Level 38
Jan 10, 2009
The lines on the leg are a result of alphaing out the top of the boot, and due to the amount of pixels that are available to work with the only way to remove those lines would be to make the skin size much larger, and therefore allow a smother alpha selection around that area. Or the model could be edited to have the top of the boot removed. That is as close as I could get for this skin though.

Also, like Apheraz Lucent said, the ear is two shades because it is two polygons that don't line up, so they get shaded like a piece of paper folded in two.
Level 2
Jul 30, 2009
excellent work

But where did her weapon go? The circlet is part of what makes the model what it is. The skin it'self rocks to use for an RPG. Is there a posibility of one with the circlet or elven short sword(s)? Keep at it Your stuff is a must see when I log on.:thumbs_up:
Level 38
Jan 10, 2009
But where did her weapon go? The circlet is part of what makes the model what it is. The skin it'self rocks to use for an RPG. Is there a posibility of one with the circlet or elven short sword(s)? Keep at it Your stuff is a must see when I log on.:thumbs_up:

Well, if you want her to have a weapon you can just use attachments, which is largely why I removed the weapon. Attachments are super-easy to get the hang of as well.

If you still want the crescent blade the Sentry originally came from it shouldn't be to hard to find an attachment pack with said weapon in it, I seem to remember the most extensive weapon packs featuring all the weapons from WC3 units being over at WC3C.net as well so you may want to check them out. The sentry weapon uses the sentry skin though, so you'd want to import this the the Night Elf Runner path - which is the Textures\Watcher.blp one, otherwise the weapon will be nothing but alpha.