New website for are map coming out

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Level 3
May 25, 2005
Well i just created a website for the warcraft Rpg we are making i hope you guys would check it out we have are own forums in the Links sectoin where you can dicuss war3 or about anything or the map we are making and any suggestions you have we are also looking for beta testers

here is the link to the webpage

and here is the one for the forums
Level 3
May 25, 2005
Sign the guestbook

if you do visit are webpage please sign are guestbook and register for are forums so you can give us feedback on what you think of the game oh and we are looking fo people to beta test here are the details on that

Well we are in the process of making the game and are needing some people to test it out for bugs and if you have any suggestions to make it better so if you want to be a beta tester there are only going to be 4 beta testers so if you do reply to this message and tell me why i should make you a btea tester and if i like what you have to say i'll make you one of the noble 4 beat testers and i don't like what you have to say or i didn't fell like you really wanted to be a beta tester you simply won't be one well good luck
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