idk but it just looks bad to me... mby its the cut hand... work on learning how a skin wraps... its ok for an attempt and mby even a rough-rough-draft, skin needs allot of work and has allot of technical issuses... another thing is bevel and emboss not blur makes a thing in a skin stick out, use circular strokes and well positioned, lighter colors... never use: smuge,filters,cut and paste,or solid brushes on a final skin... Im not saying that u stole the hand, but i am sayin that u cut and pasted, did a bad job with it, and its clearly visable... make everything u put on the skin on the skin itself... if u are scared to permanently scar the skin with a mistake, use a different layer... if u dont use photoshop or paint shop pro, use GIMP... it doesnt have layers but it has a killer undo engine... i dont mean to be rippin on you, this is just a paragraph of suggestions... Reply with any questions...