Shed (Active): loses a small amount of armor but becomes immune to magic for the duration of the spell.
Fury of the Ancestors (Active): (Storm, Earth and Fire): Replaces the hero with a Thunder Lizard (with Devotion Aura), Salamander (with Command Aura), and Snap Dragon (with Evasion).
Royal Guard:
Tail Chop (Active): Loses X HP to create a Lizardman Tail with X HP that immediately casts Taunt. Max HP is reduced by X until the spell's cooldown is up.
Chameleon Crawl (toggled): While active, nearby friendly units becomes invisible when not moving and gain 50% Evasion, but movement speed is halved.
Clever Girl (active): Creates an illusion of a target unit that can attack but deals no damage. If an enemy unit approaches the illusion, the caster can use the ability again to teleport to that unit, dispelling the illusion and dealing high damage to the hero. If caster was under Windwalk, the unit is also stunned.
High Priest:
Scaledkin Blessing (Active): Gives a different buff to nearby allied units with every casting:
- Turtle: Scroll of Protection
- Skink: Scroll of Speed
- Crocodile: Roar
Sunblood (Passive): During the day, gives Endurance Aura. At night, gives all nearby units Ultravision.
Constriction (Active): Targets an enemy. Enemy units around the target are Entangled, lasting longer on the main target.