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need help

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Level 15
Feb 9, 2006
Where do I even begin ? First off this is just a bunch of unit's with a custom model. Second, the models make no sense at all. I mean, you have a samurai there. And then you have the Sorceress that looks alot like a stripper or sumthing.



Model Reviewer
Level 29
Jan 9, 2004
Im sorry i haven´t tryed it yet (can´t do that until monday/tuesday) but samurai´s and stripping sorceress :D. Whats this based on?, and if its an entire custom race then do you have like a background story for them. Whos there leader whats there belief and why do they recruit half naked women into there army and so on or is this just something you created for no purpose at all but yet you wish for ppl too see?

I´d like to see this, (Me wanna see the sorceress) but i can´t til i get another copy of the frozen throne.
Level 4
Mar 30, 2005
actually, i wasnt sure if should post it yet but i was in a kind of a hurry, so here is my idea, i am making a campaign called, human survivers, that is like "warcraft 3 trilogy) or a completion for the story where what left of humans, leaded by Jaina, try to rise again and destroy the undead, so the race must be different:
black knight: footman with vengence in his mind
elf archer
and i am thinking of an assassin that is very slow but have a long range and huge damage
wizard, sorrcerress couldint find a better sorrcerress in black!!!
dragons so in the story, there is a mission where you free dragons and they help you,
and a dwarf worker and catupalt
elven archer and assassin
a new spiece that is good in evading, the samurai
that is my idea, i know i still suck now, thats y i asked for help



Model Reviewer
Level 29
Jan 9, 2004
Here are a few idea´s, samurai won´t fit since the japanise samurai warrior class doesn´t exist in the warcraft world. I wouldn´t add assassins by jaina´s side either. Since its about her going on a rampage against the scourge and since shes a mage you should choose your units to be more magic oriented, ofcourse footmen dwarfs catapult wizards are all good but you should add some anti undead types and healers, like paladins as units and cleris\priest.

Here are a few more idea´s.
Avenger: A soldier unit who´s pretty pissed off about losing his family or sum to the scourge (Samurai replacement).
Oh and the conjurer from wc1 (More wizes).
Think about what type of elves your using aswell, i mean the bloodelves have abandoned the alliance (Not many highelfs left to replace them) i don´t know about night elves, they probably would just stick to there hippiewoods.

*Don´t forget the gnomes*
Level 4
Mar 30, 2005
thanks man, i will remove the ninja and samurai and assassin and maybe elves, and add like dark wizards or gnome mage or maybe dwarven magic man or something like it but what about the dragons? and you made me think about adding more wild animals to help against the scourge.

i really loved the assassin thing though
and by the way i loved your avenger idea, but how should he look like?

and what about abilities?
i am thinking about shoes for peasants, fire breath and (devour or transport 1 unit) for dragons and i need ideas about a siege weapon, i found i trebuchet model that is good for the dwarves???



Model Reviewer
Level 29
Jan 9, 2004
Red dragons exemplify the serenity of life and nature. Heres the full story http://www.wowwiki.com/Red_Dragonflight 'Yes...' Alexstrasza dipped her head toward the trio. 'Human Rhonin, elf, and dwarf! I thank all three of you for your parts in this, and know that as long as I am queen, my kind will never be an enemy to yours....'"Day of the Dragon Page 371"

Red Dragons probably don´t like the undead too much but i recomment surfing the site. Theres a lot of warcraft lore.
If you want to use your assassins no ones stopping you but i just don´t see assassins being recruited to employ there assassinating skills against an army of something thats already dead.
As for the Avenger, well you could probably head on to the download section and try and find someone that fits.
Wild animals, hmm well you could always use summoners or druids that conjure them.

Abilities (shoes for peasants?)
Siege weaponry: Use the steam tank, the trebuchet is nice but it doesn´t have a walk animation there also is a cannon model in the dl section.



Model Reviewer
Level 29
Jan 9, 2004
I don´t recomment gnolls, they ain´t smart or honorable enough, since there just like wolfs they´d attack you if you get too near.
No humanoid in the neutral section that you can actually use as ally´s except Golems they are magicly animated. (Humanoid: everything that has atleast two legs standing uprights and has atleast some language of there own, the nerubian are humanoid i think although they look like insects.)

When making an army don´t make them too random there must be some order and don´t make them too many an army with over 20 diffirent types of units is way too much atleast the maximun should be 15.
If you wish you can add goblin mercs to your ranks has hireble units.

Hers some ideas.

Human Footman\Dwarf Fighter
Dwarf Rifleman or a Human Archer\Rifle
Dwarf\Human priest\cleric
Avenger :)) )
Exorcist (A priest which specialises in damaging the undead)
Gnome Alchemist (I throw fiery potions jejiii kaboom)
Gnome Engineer (Repairs mechanical structures & units, a decent fighter]
Steamtank\Cannon\Catapult\Ballista Wc2 style
Pyromancer (firemage)\Cryomancer (frostmage)\orgymancer (Eroticmage) (haha i made a joke for the last one, or did i?)

Still need more?



Model Reviewer
Level 29
Jan 9, 2004
Here´s you map, made a few changes.
I changed the dragons into red dragons since there they only one that would aligned themself with humans i think from warcraft lore the red dragon mother/queen owes the human mage Rhonin for freeing her from the orcs who had previously caged her and forced the red dragons to fight alongside the orcs.

You can ofcourse change it back.
I fixed the cannon model since it wasn´t showing and i couldn´t stand that sorceress model you used so i made another one.
Changed a few names but im troubled with the buildings you choose you should just use the normal ingame building and maybe add a few dwarfen ones you don´t have to do a complete convertion especially since the buildings you choose don´t quite fit.
I didn´t replace any of the buildings and lastly im troubled with the druid can´t quite figure that one out but you can always replace him for someone else.


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