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Need help to create additional button page

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Level 5
Apr 9, 2011
Hi all, i'm doing a race where i want all my building to be just the town center so i need it to have multiple pages/button for each building, but to conserve any upgrade it could have switching between the pages.
If you need more detail just ask but i think that sums it up.


Map Reviewer
Level 32
Feb 19, 2011
So the idea of the switching is that you have a Ability (or purchasable item) on the building and when the ability is being cast (you press the button) another building (at same location as the real building is) is selected for the player.

So the dummy building is placed on top or close to the real building and the dummy building has no model or pathing or any stats exept that it has other upgrades and units than the main building. However you need to notice that with this way you can make 2 upgrades at once (if each of the buildingsh as 1 upgrade).
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