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Need help making a map

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Level 1
Apr 4, 2010
I really need help making a game of mine, I have tried to find ppl to help me but my terrainer made the map and left it blank and he's never on to work on it, and I just really need some help.
Level 1
Apr 4, 2010
I'll try to add some screenshots of the units and such, but idk what program to use in order to get the screenshots to appear, but the game is gonna be in the future, it takes place in the year 2037.

Playable Races:

Rouge (You need to do a special event to become Rouge)
Peace Keepers (another special event)
Natives (maybe, not sure if im gonna let ppl play as natives yet)

Im not sure what type of game it is, but it's like a melee game with objectives and stuff, idk what thjat would be but it's a melee style I guess.

All the races were at peace, elves, orcs, goblins, so on; the Humans decided that the other races were wasting their resources, so they decided to kill the other races. Near the year 2023 the Humans had killed most of the other races, some tried to fight back, but failed, the only race that lived were the Goblins (in wc3 Goblins pretty much have the most advanced technology right?) The Goblins built great ships all around the world and set off in search of a new planet. The Humans were glad they killed the other races, and they thought that all their problems would go away, but soon after the goblins left, an unknown species (aliens :p) came and invaded Earth, they killed off almost all life forms and harvested the planet for its resources, the Humans then set off for a new planet as well, they were in search of a planet similar to Earth, they found a planet named (idk what to name the planet). Soon after they settled there, they found out that the natives wanted them dead, and they will later find out that the Goblins live their too.
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