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Need a Tester:)

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Level 2
Feb 19, 2008

I'm new to this site as well as to war3 modding. I played the gam for years and now i want to try to make my own map.

I started to make an RPG, but as i'm very inexperienced, i'm a bit worried it is total crap compared to what people have done previously.

If anyone is interested, i'd like them to test the part of my map that is currently (roughly) finished to tll me if:

-it's a good idea and worth continuing
-i hould give up modding

I'd really apreciate if someone could help me out :)

Level 15
Aug 18, 2007
When you say 'RPG' do you then mean a Save/load rpg (like TBR, Wars of Warcraft, and all the other ones) Or more like a DBZ tribute ultra?
I would suggest to start out whit something easy, RPG's are big, and require alot of skill and so. Start off whit an AoS or some kind of Hero Arena. If you dont want to listen to me, and continue whit the map, i will gladly help ;)
Level 2
Feb 19, 2008
Hello to both of you!

Well i guess you're probably right, but i enjoy more making an RPG i think.

So far I completed a small portion and i use cinematics that i integrate into gameplay and extensively use custom music to set a 'good' atmosphere.
I don't now what has been produced at the Hive for all these years (since i just discovered it^^) so what i'm making is maybe really shitty that's why i'd like someone to test it to see if my ideas are woth expanding or its just too basic/boring/unoriginal.

So far it's technically very basic, but with time i'm going to improve it hopefully ^^

So if you want to try out what i did and give me your impressions just tell me and i'll post a link

Thx for your replays btw :)
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