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Multi Region Trasnsport Triggering System - Can someone help

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Level 9
Jul 7, 2005
Heres what the problem is, someone requested a transport system for his rpg, it was in my eyes poorly explained and seemed that it was to trigger the waygate ability. Anyway heres what he really was meaning to say:

We have multiple regions positioned on a map (names for example are; A, B) they are all disabled untill someone walks over the region. Heres an example i hope it helps explain:

Im playing a RPG on battle.net and there is a region (A) that when i step on it it comes up with a dialog box (with no buttons yet except the cancel) i click cancel the dialog button disapears, i find another of these (B) but when i step on this it has 2 buttons (A) and Cancel i press the A button and ive been transported to the first region i came across, when i step on A again it has 2 as well B and Cancel.

Please any1 that cannot understand this please DONT reply because ive put this VERY simple and it would be just annoying for me to explain it over again.

For people that are very good at triggering (or JASS or GUI) and know what i mean (i have seen this in a map before i know its possible) please help so the problem can be resolved (im also interested in what you would use).

Level 15
Mar 31, 2004
There's obviously a few ways to do it, but here's some suggestions.

Each Region has a respective array (an integer variable with multiple layers). Lets call it Node1 and set the array size to 12. Repeat this for each region.

Lets have 10 regions. For simplistic sake, I'll call them Area1, Area2.... Area10. So, we have 10 variables; Node1, Node2.... Node10.

Now, if a player's unit enters 'Area1' Region, we can have a trigger set that player's Node array to record that it has been entered.

This would go along the lines of:
Set Node1(playernumber of owner of entering unit) = 1.

We only need the nodes to have a value for yes or no (boolean), which will be 1 (yes) or 0 (no).

[You could potentially record how many times they have entered]

So, each time a player enters a node, that flag is set to record it.


When a player's unit enters a region, we need a trigger to throw a dialog box at them. I will use 'If statements' to create the selection of buttons displayed. For example:

If Node1(playernumbr of owner of entering unit) = 1
then do
(add button code)
(dont add button code)

You're going to need an array for every button, of size 12.
Level 9
Jul 7, 2005
Thx Whitehorn that SHOULD help.

edit: once this is done do you think i should a demo map for people? Because it seems to be about 100 or so triggers lol. BTW how do you make it so once you click the dialog button the unit moves to the new position?
Level 9
Jul 7, 2005
error0024 said:
draco u dint online at msn ages ><

What do you mean?

Does any1 know how to make it once you click a button on a dialog that it moves you to where you want to go??
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