This is a team tower defence in the Magic: The Gathering universe.
Choose one of 5 colors (White, Blue, Black, Red and Green) and defend your portal against incoming enemies. Each color has its own, unique set of towers and two powerful spells.
-MTG TD is a team-based TD at heart. To improve the team spirit lifes are shared with all players, you don't earn money per kill but per round, and builders can teleport all over the map in order to help other players. Each color has specific strength and weaknesses.
-All five colours of Magic: The Gathering are included, and everyone of the five players controls a single colour. Every color can build 11 towers and 10 special artifact towers are distributed among players.
-Each color can research two different powerful spells, based on MTG cards.
-40 waves
-Different attack- and armortypes. Enemies can have different special abilities like flying, evade, or regeneration.
-Waves appear in a semi-random armor, increasing replayability
-3 difficulties. 'Easy' is best for public games, whereas 'Hard' requires a serious amount of teamwork to pull off.
Careful: Playing with less than 5 players can be really tough. This is not the kind of TD you want to play alone. On easy mode, creeps don't spawn for a player who is missing/disconnected. Still beware though, as all other waves get slightly harder to compensate. On hard mode, you are on your own.
MTG, MTG II, Tower Defense, Cooperative, 5 Player