[Model Request] Slenderman. :D

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Level 7
Sep 8, 2011
Slender Model Request

Hey guys I am starting a new map and I want to make this map different to my other ones. Firstly I need a model for one of the most important characters, the Slenderman. Now if you don't know who Slenderman is here is a link to some information about him and the myth.


I couldn't find a lot of models for the Slenderman but did find a map that has one. This is the map with the model.


But this model looks a little derpy and I'm sure there are a few people out there that would like a decent looking Slenderman model!

The Model It's Self:

I would like him to be rather tall and skinny (as described on the website), long arms that reach just above his knees, completely white head, wearing a suit and his hands and feet will be black. As for his tendrils it is up to you! If you want to put some on him, only put 2 OR 4 on his back that flail behind his arms (If you chose 2) or head (If you chose 4), they will also be completely black.


The way I want the model to behave is simplistic. Firstly I want Slender to stand up straight with little movement when standing still (apart from the tendrils if they are added, they can just move around slowly). His movement should be a very slow walk because the Units movement speed will be 100 - 150. He will walk like a normal human (if there are tendrils leave them the same as they would be if he was standing).

His attacking animation will be either with his tendrils (do what ever you like for that animation) or with his hands. The way he will attack with his hand will be this; First he will lift his right arm up and back (as if he was to punch someone) then stab through the enemy's body with his arm/hand. His left arm will move back slightly when the unit's right arm punchers the enemy's body.

Honestly here I don't mind if he has an animation or not but if you would like to give him a spell animation this is what I had in mind. Firstly his animation when he is casting. He will move his arms up to his chest as if he was to hold his hands over his heart and his tendrils will extend to create an X on his back. If you decided to only make 2 tendrils make them create a V from his back so they would be going over his shoulders. If there is no tendrils just make his arms move.

When he finishes casting the animation his arms will snap out to the either side. Once all of the spell animations are complete he will quickly snap back to the original standing still animation and the tendrils will begin move around behind him.

I know there is a lot of text here but I am quite specific with what I want this model to look like. Who ever makes this model for me I will credit your name ALL OVER MY MAP (well not exactly all over but you get the point) and give you all the reps :D.

Thank you so much guys for helping me. If there is any questions just let me know and I'll answer it.
Level 4
Aug 26, 2012
well, since the game Slenderman is new and just release not long ago, there might not be any Slenderman models.

But there is one like you said above, from the map Slenderman Beta. which you said it is little derpy lol.

but for the time being, you may try it..(better than nothing) until someone is kind to make you one yeah lol.

well, i have attached the model below in case you didn't have it. model is extracted from the map.


  • slenderman.rar
    51.8 KB · Views: 76
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