Model Request: Playing Card (Animated)

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Level 4
Mar 7, 2010
though i use TheHive for a long time already to check for wcIII models today i made an account to ask for a model i need for one of my projects.

the project is made for the Board (Card) Game Contest at, the link is here.

what i need:
  • the model got to be a playing card. (Simple cuboid)
  • the model needs to have 4 animations, as followed:
    • stand - the card is not moving, facing the ground with its frontside
    • stand alternate - the card is not moving, facing the ground with its backside
    • morph - the card is flipping over to the other side (from "back up" to "front up")
    • morph alternate - the morph animation the other way around
  • i got the images for the front and back side
  • i need 60 variations of this model, each with an other front side (my card game got 60 different cards)
  • if possible the portrait camera should always show the side which is shown to the player (facing the sky)

i need this model until april the first, without i would not be able to make my project which would be very disappointing for me.

i count on the helpful community and skilful modelers.

thanks in advance.
Level 14
Mar 30, 2009
i think this is a really good base to who ever makes the model. the thing you need most are the animations. i could edit this model i linked to have any background you want or to change its size/shape.
i think (im not sure) that you should use only one model, but with different replacable texture for each card. this can only be used for doodads. pros: smaller filesize. cons: cant be owned by player.
this is a good start for anyone to start animating though ^^

btw you can only bump your thread every 48 hours.
Level 4
Mar 7, 2010
btw you can only bump your thread every 48 hours.
sorry, i didnt know, i come from where we are allowed to bump every 24 hours. i will remember for future post.

i love card games if i could model i would make one for you unfortionatly i cant :p
gladly i found somebody who can, you might play the finished game after the contest is over if you like. they are free for public use.

I gave it a try, try this one out and let me know what to fix/change.
very very nice, almost perfect. 2 things i would like you to change if possible.
1). i would like the flipping animation to be faster. (otherwise players might get annoyed after few rounds)

2). the 'stand alternate' animation seems to be 'lower' then the normal stand animation. the card dives into the ground after morphing.

i am very glad you made that model for me, it is almost perfect for my needs, as i said. now i would only need it with the right images. i ll attach them to this post in a .rar file. if possible could you do 60 variations each with the appropriate front images? or maybe 1 model with 60 upgrade animations?
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Level 4
Mar 7, 2010
wow this is really fantastic, just as the real ones.

i just noticed a little problem with the flipping animation, its not a bug or anything important for the gameplay, its just that if you flip the card in reality as you do with the model the front images angle is reversed. Maybe this picture might explain it:

[Picture taken from the post of this guy at]
the card is flipping right now changing its 'pitch', but it should rather be the 'roll' cause otherwise the image would be upside down. but this is not that important, if it would be too much work its still okay as it is, it wouldnt change anything about the gameplay.

one thing i would like to ask though, can you make the white corners transparent? they do not look that nice, the rest of the texture is just perfect.

everything else is exellent. i will start on the game technics at once, the terraining of the map is already finished.
thank you very much.
Level 4
Mar 7, 2010
yes, thats it, just perfect. if you could finish all the variations you are done i am on my way for the first price xD.

much thanks to you and of course an entry in the credits.
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