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Model Request Female orc shaman

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Level 16
Dec 29, 2008
I want to request a Female Orc Shaman( i've got this idea yester day and i think it's a good one)
At first it should base on the male orc shaman no new skins etc.
The female one should be a bit smaller, not so fat and have a lower jav.THX for help(ofc +rep and credits for this guy who will make it)

This was the first one and as second i want to request another model the female mag'har great shaman GreatMother Gaiah http://www.wowwiki.com/File:Greatmothergeyah-1.jpg
Level 32
Jul 23, 2005
Making it without a custom texture might be a bit hard, as there are not ingame green females. It's not impossible, but it'd look very odd. And by "and have a lower jav" I assume jav=jaw, but do you mean that the ingame shaman doesn't have one, or you want her's lower?
Level 16
Dec 29, 2008
Ok i think it would be really hard to make one without a new skin so i take it bak a new skin is ok. It was my fault i ment jaw. I think that the femele shaman should be smaller in all aspects.
Level 32
Jul 23, 2005
Well, thank you for clarifying. Here's one that I made. Uses the shaman's animations and a custom texture. The texture isn't much differnet from the shaman's actual ingame texture, but I changed just about everywhere were skin was showing to make it look more feminin. It's much thinner than thge male shaman, and the ponytail is larger. Also, the sound it makes when it dies is differnet.

Just delete the "war3mapimported\" from all the parts when you import it and it should work.


  • ShamanFemale.mdx
    189.7 KB · Views: 127
  • ShamanFemale_Portrait.mdx
    118.8 KB · Views: 126
  • ShamanFemale.BLP
    212.7 KB · Views: 118
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