I need a very complicated model which i can't do because i have no experience in modeling, also, it needs a good portrait.
Like i said, i need a very coplicated model, with attack/channeling and spell animation, also, portrait animation.
Moving to the model.
I need a model for this anime character.
Ignore the little guy with blue hair.
I want the model to have this costume instead of the smoking one..
He is a guy named, franklin, he has 2 guns, one in right hand and the other in the left hand, every finger it's a cannon and he shots from his fingers.
Every Finger is cutted in the top and hooked with chains so he can reassemble them whenever he wants.
Ignore the little guy with blue hair.
Now for the attacks.
Attack animation 1
He aims enemy with both hands.
Attack animation 2
he aims enemy with the right hand
Same as attack animation 1 but moving the hands a bit away from the front, like attacking the corners.
he aims with the left hand only
Now, the attack needs to have a lighting effects near his hand, everytime he attacks he will do lightings like this.
Try to make a good portrait based on his face please, i want it to be cool.
I know it's very hard, but i really want this and i am not experienced at modeling.
Like i said, i need a very coplicated model, with attack/channeling and spell animation, also, portrait animation.
Moving to the model.
I need a model for this anime character.
Ignore the little guy with blue hair.
I want the model to have this costume instead of the smoking one..
He is a guy named, franklin, he has 2 guns, one in right hand and the other in the left hand, every finger it's a cannon and he shots from his fingers.
Every Finger is cutted in the top and hooked with chains so he can reassemble them whenever he wants.
Ignore the little guy with blue hair.
Now for the attacks.
Attack animation 1
He aims enemy with both hands.
Attack animation 2
he aims enemy with the right hand
Same as attack animation 1 but moving the hands a bit away from the front, like attacking the corners.
he aims with the left hand only
Now, the attack needs to have a lighting effects near his hand, everytime he attacks he will do lightings like this.
Try to make a good portrait based on his face please, i want it to be cool.
I know it's very hard, but i really want this and i am not experienced at modeling.