(Actual request is the text in a slgithly altered text color.) Alright im making a map (AoS style) and i am currently working on: Chu' Gen - The Dragon Turtle. His ultimate alows him to retreat into his shell and spin causing damage to nearby units.
So what i need is for someone to take the Dragon Turtle model and 'remove' the head and legs (Not the tail) and make it look like there inside the shell.
In addition make its only animation it spinning fastly, it would also be ok if you only do the model edit then hand it off to someone else to do the animation, or vice versu.).
So what i need is for someone to take the Dragon Turtle model and 'remove' the head and legs (Not the tail) and make it look like there inside the shell.
In addition make its only animation it spinning fastly, it would also be ok if you only do the model edit then hand it off to someone else to do the animation, or vice versu.).