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Metamorphing Heroes

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Level 6
Aug 29, 2004
hi guys

One of the heroes in my hero defence i'm making is an Archon: i want to make an ability for it to morph into a Dark Archon.

the Archon needs to have an ability (unit ability, not hero) that lets it morph into Dark Archon form.
When he morphs from Archon to Dark Archon from he needs to stay the same level, but also his abilities need to stay the same level. Ie if in Archon form he has the move Lightning in slot one and in DArchon form he has Mind Control, ad lighting is at level 9, when he morphs Mind Control needs to be at level 9...

any help here? i can do nearly anything (except cinematics) with triggers, but i would rather just use abilities if it is possible.

Thanks for any input

ooh ps he needs to be able to morph back as well
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